Cool, I'm Jim!

Personal details

First names:
Jim Arasch Naryman
at home
Date of birth:
August 17, 1995
Place of birth:
Amsterdam (in Holland)
Marital status:
Telephone number:
won't tell
Driver's licence:

My school

Ofcourse, I go to De Zevensprong

Things I like

Playing, biking, making my sister laugh, dinosaurs, lego, drawing, watch television and - this speaks for itself - Pokémon...!

Famous namesakes

Jimmy (James) Dean
Jimmy (James) Stewart
Jim Carrey
Jim Morrison (The Doors)

By the way, did you know that:

* my daddy is crazy about science fiction films - he always watches all Star Trek serials
* he's also crazy about the X-files?
* my great great grandfather was a real general?
* we'll get a swing at the new house?

Send my daddy and mummy an e-mail

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