
Knowing God through Job. A Bible study to find out who God is, based on the book of Job.

NIV Quiet Time Bible. A study using questions to let you discover what the book of Job has to teach us about God, about suffering and about life.

Studies in Job. Word studies in the book of Job.

The World of the Seeker. Short story about Nvard, living in the days of Nimrod.

A Community of Peace. An internet community for those who seek the peace and joy possible only in Christ Jesus. Study the Bible and Christian classics in our free online courses in practical theology and healing.

The Genesis Site. (Only in Dutch on: De Genesis Site.) This site deals with Creation, the Fall, the Sons of God, the Flood and the Tower of Babel. Many myths are used to show how mankind remembers his past. Notes are added on the origin of geological strata and the authors of Genesis. [Part One of The Trilogy.]

The Battle behind.... Mankind isn't the only one who wrote history. A brief survey of the spiritual battle from Creation to the returning of Jesus. [Part Three of The Trilogy, not online at this moment.]

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