
Cycling - tour to Maastricht in 2000.


In 2000 we made the cycle-tour to Maastricht.

Here you see the photo of our departure - this photo and text were noted in the newspaper (Alkmaarsche Courant) 

on 9th September 2000.



       Biking-it from Heiloo to Maastricht.

 A long way when you have to cycle it! Even more so when you rely for 90 % in your wheel-chair like Gerda van der Perk (60) from Heiloo. And yet, yesterday, she and her husband Gijs (62) started their "trip" down to the south of the country, she in het booster-scooter and he on his bike.

Six years ago, Gerda was suffered a severe brainstem infarct. At that time she was fully paralysed but after rehabilitation she gradually clambered back, a slow progression but resulting in a more positive outlook. Even though Gerda still relies on her electrically-driven scooter she can still enjoy her bike-trips together with her husband. The idea formed that they might take different long bicycle-routes. Last year they travelled in that way to Enschede.

By this journey they were on route 18 days, stopping regularly and staying at some places longer than others. Gerda is looked after by her husband Gijs van der Perk taking care of all her needs, as well as making all arangements before setting out. There are routes to be planned and hotels are booked according to their suitability. This is not always easy, many hotels are just not suitable, not catering for disabled persons. When a suitable hotel is found, then there is always a wheel-chair available; not electrically-driven for these require more room to make a turn, but with an ordinary  wheel-chair Gerda can get about in the accomodation; it is Thuiszorg (Home Care) that arrange for the wheel-chair to be provided along the route.

The hotels would have to pay the rent for the wheel-chairs in advance  ( and the family can pay it back by way of  the hotelbill), but most of them are not willing to do so. I find that very strange for they find it very good that my parents make such trips.
(Note: the information is incorrect; the reality is that nearly every hotel is willing to pay for us in advance, so there were  no problems till up to now)      

Ingrid, daughter of Gerda and Gijs is enthusiastic about the developments: "six years ago we thought we might lose our mother" It's wonderful how things have come on, even though our mother cannot reed much and embroiders less these days, the cycling trips have enriched their lives so much. And now they are off to Maastricht. A statement of a driving force and stamina.