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Micro-Max 4: Futility Pruning

Stand-Pat Cutoff

In Quiescence Search non-captures are not searched, but recieve the current evaluation as the default score. In fact we assume that there are always non-captures, and thus the current evaluation is a guaranteed lower limit to the score of a QS search. If this score is above the upper window limit l, we know that the search will fail high in advance, i.e. before even searching a single move. Such a beta cutoff is known as the stand-pat cutoff.

In micro-Max beta cutoffs are performed in an unusual place, where it can catch a King capture before that move is made, and a stand-pat cutoff before any move is made. The price we pay for this is that it is discovered rather late: only after the first move is generated (which might require a board scan to find a piece). With the MVV/LVA QS matters even get worse: all moves are always generated at least once without a cutoff being possible, to determine which captures the highest victim, before a move is generated for searching. This makes the stand-pat cutoffs very inefficient. The fact that the very costly process of hash probing was done before any iteration through the moves didn't do much for efficiency either even in version 3.2.


The important thing is that the stand-pat cutoff can be foreseen reasonably easy in the parent node. Because of negamax, the condition there is that the evaluation after the move (which is actually calculated in the parent as e+i+v for passing to the recursive search call) should be below the lower window limit (also calculated and passed as an argument). Such a move, which does not even necessitate action of the opponent to be refuted, is called futile. An attempt to search it would lead with certainty to a score below the one we already have in this node or an ancestor, a score that will thus be ignored.

Such a move can better be ignored to begin with, rather than wasting time on calling the search, calculating a new hash key, probing the hash table, generating some moves, and finally returning with a score that will be ignored. Skipping the search of such nodes is called 'futility pruning', and it speeds up the search without any drawback.

In micro-Max 4.1 it requires 18 extra characters compared to version 4.0 to implement futility pruning. In self-play at 0.5 sec/move, micro-Max 4.1 beats 4.0 by 59% (~40 ELO points).

Below you see how futility pruning is added to micro-Max 4.0, to give version 4.1:

/*                               micro-Max,                                */
/* A chess program smaller than 2KB (of non-blank source), by H.G. Muller  */
/* version 4.1 (1770 characters) features:                                 */
/* - recursive negamax search                                              */
/* - quiescence search with recaptures                                     */
/* - recapture extensions                                                  */
/* - (internal) iterative deepening                                        */
/* - best-move-first 'sorting'                                             */
/* - a hash table storing score and best move                              */
/* - futility pruning                                                      */
/* - full FIDE rules (expt minor promotion) and move-legality checking     */

#define W while
#define K(A,B) *(int*)(T+A+(B&8)+S*(B&7))
#define J(A) K(y+A,b[y])-K(x+A,u)-K(H+A,t)

#define U (1<<24)
struct _ {int K,V;char X,Y,D;} A[U];           /* hash table, 16M+8 entries*/

int M=136,S=128,I=8e3,C=799,Q,O,K,N;           /* M=0x88                   */

char L,
w[]={0,1,1,3,-1,3,5,9},                        /* relative piece values    */
o[]={-16,-15,-17,0,1,16,0,1,16,15,17,0,14,18,31,33,0, /* step-vector lists */
     7,-1,11,6,8,3,6,                          /* 1st dir. in o[] per piece*/
     6,3,5,7,4,5,3,6},                         /* initial piece setup      */
b[129],                                        /* board: half of 16x8+dummy*/
T[1035],                                       /* hash translation table   */

n[]=".?+nkbrq?*?NKBRQ";                        /* piece symbols on printout*/

D(k,q,l,e,J,Z,E,z,n)    /* recursive minimax search, k=moving side, n=depth*/
int k,q,l,e,J,Z,E,z,n;  /* (q,l)=window, e=current eval. score, E=e.p. sqr.*/
{                       /* e=score, z=prev.dest; J,Z=hashkeys; return score*/
 int j,r,m,v,d,h,i,F,G,s,f;
 char t,p,u,x,y,X,Y,H,B;
 struct _*a=A+(J+k*E&U-1);                     /* lookup pos. in hash table*/

 q--;                                          /* adj. window: delay bonus */
 d=a->D;m=a->V;X=a->X;Y=a->Y;                  /* resume at stored depth   */
 if(a->K-Z|                                    /* miss: other pos. or empty*/
  !(m<=q|X&8&&m>=l|X&S))                       /*   or window incompatible */
  d=Y=0;                                       /* start iter. from scratch */
 X&=~M;                                        /* start at best-move hint  */

 W(d++<n||                                     /* iterative deepening loop */
   z==8&K==I&&(N<1e6&d<98||                    /* root: deepen upto time   */
   (K=X,L=Y&~M,d=2)))                          /* time's up: go do best    */
 {x=B=X;                                       /* start scan at prev. best */
  h=Y&S;                                       /* request try noncastl. 1st*/
  m=d>1?-I:e;                                  /* unconsidered:static eval */
  N++;                                         /* node count (for timing)  */
  do{u=b[x];                                   /* scan board looking for   */
   if(u&k)                                     /*  own piece (inefficient!)*/
   {r=p=u&7;                                   /* p = piece type (set r>0) */
    j=o[p+16];                                 /* first step vector f.piece*/
    W(r=p>2&r<0?-r:-o[++j])                    /* loop over directions o[] */
    {A:                                        /* resume normal after best */
     y=x;F=G=S;                                /* (x,y)=move, (F,G)=castl.R*/
     do{                                       /* y traverses ray, or:     */
      H=y=h?Y^h:y+r;                           /* sneak in prev. best move */
      if(y&M)break;                            /* board edge hit           */
      m=E-S&b[E]&&y-E<2&E-y<2?I:m;             /* bad castling             */
      if(p<3&y==E)H^=16;                       /* shift capt.sqr. H if e.p.*/
      t=b[H];if(t&k|p<3&!(y-x&7)-!t)break;     /* capt. own, bad pawn mode */
      i=99*w[t&7];                             /* value of capt. piece t   */
      m=i<0?I:m;                               /* K capture                */
      if(m>=l)goto C;                          /* abort on fail high       */

      if(s=d-(y!=z))                           /* remaining depth(-recapt.)*/
      {v=p<6?b[x+8]-b[y+8]:0;                  /* center positional pts.   */
       b[G]=b[H]=b[x]=0;b[y]=u|32;             /* do move, set non-virgin  */
       if(!(G&M))b[F]=k+6,v+=30;               /* castling: put R & score  */
       if(p<3)                                 /* pawns:                   */
       {v-=9*((x-2&M||b[x-2]-u)+               /* structure, undefended    */
              (x+2&M||b[x+2]-u)-1);            /*        squares plus bias */
        if(y+r+1&S)b[y]|=7,i+=C;               /* promote p to Q, add score*/
       v+=e+i;f=m>q?m:q;                       /* new eval and alpha       */
       v=s>1|v>f?-D(24-k,-l,-f,-v,             /* recursive eval. of reply */
            J+J(0),Z+J(8)+G-S,F,y,s):v;        /* or fail low if futile    */
       if(z&8&&K-I)                            /* move pending: check legal*/
       {if(v+I&&x==K&y==L)                     /*   if move found in root  */
        {Q=-e-i;O=F;return l;}                 /*   & not in check, signal */
        v=m;                                   /* (prevent fail-lows on    */
       }                                       /*   K-capt. replies)       */
       b[G]=k+6;b[F]=b[y]=0;b[x]=u;b[H]=t;     /* undo move,G can be dummy */
       if(v>m)                                 /* new best, update max,best*/
        m=v,X=x,Y=y|S&F;                       /* mark double move with S  */
       if(h){h=0;goto A;}                      /* redo after doing old best*/
      if(x+r-y|u&32|                           /* not 1st step,moved before*/
         p>2&(p-4|j-7||                        /* no P & no lateral K move,*/
         b[G=x+3^r>>1&7]-k-6                   /* no virgin R in corner G, */
         ||b[G^1]|b[G^2])                      /* no 2 empty sq. next to R */
        )t+=p<5;                               /* fake capt. for nonsliding*/
      else F=y;                                /* enable e.p.              */
     }W(!t);                                   /* if not capt. continue ray*/
  }}}W((x=x+9&~M)-B);                          /* next sqr. of board, wrap */
C:if(m>I-M|m<M-I)d=98;                         /* mate holds to any depth  */
  m=m+I?m:-D(24-k,-I,I,0,J,Z,S,S,1);           /* best loses K: (stale)mate*/
  a->K=Z;a->V=m;a->D=d;                        /* always store in hash tab */
  a->X=X|8*(m>q)|S*(m<l);a->Y=Y;               /* move, type (bound/exact),*/
/*if(z==8)printf("%2d ply, %9d searched, score=%6d by %c%c%c%c\n",d-1,N-S,m,
     'a'+(X&7),'8'-(X>>4),'a'+(Y&7),'8'-(Y>>4&7)); /* uncomment for Kibitz */
 }                                             /*    encoded in X S,8 bits */
 return m+=m<e;                                /* delayed-loss bonus       */

 int j,k=8,*p,c[9];

 {b[K]=(b[K+112]=o[K+24]+8)+8;b[K+16]=18;b[K+96]=9;  /* initial board setup*/
  L=8;W(L--)b[16*L+K+8]=(K-4)*(K-4)+(L-3.5)*(L-3.5); /* center-pts table   */
 }                                                   /*(in unused half b[])*/

 W(1)                                                /* play loop          */
   printf(" %c",N&8&&(N+=7)?10:n[b[N]&15]);          /* print board        */
  p=c;W((*p++=getchar())>10);                        /* read input line    */
  K=I;                                               /* invalid move       */
  if(*c-10)K=*c-16*c[1]+C,L=c[2]-16*c[3]+C;          /* parse entered move */
  k^=D(k,-I,I,Q,1,j++,O,8,2)-I?0:24;                 /* think or check & do*/
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