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An entry of the hash table in micro-Max is a struct _
It contains a more or less unique (4-byte) key K derived from the position, in order to identify it.
The actual information that is stored contains of the score V found for that position (4 bytes),
the best move X,Y (2 bytes) and the depth D of the search at which this score was found.
Since the size is rounded to a multiple of 4 bytes, (for memory-word alignment),
the entry occupies 12 bytes in memory, and wastes some space.
In an Alpha-Beta search most nodes are not completely searched, and as a consequence the scores are only upper or lower bounds. This is indicated by the bits in the field X that are not used in valid square codes, the '8'- and the 'S'-bit. (In the destination field Y these bits are used to indicate if the move was a castling.) The '8'-bit is set if a result is above alpha, the 'S'-bit if it is below beta, so that exact results (within the window) have both bits set. Exact results, after all, are both upper and lower limit.
To make sure we make no retrieval errors, two 32-bit Zobrist-like hash keys are used.
They are differentially updated,
and passed along up the tree from the root as arguments J and Z to D()
The Zobrist scheme requires a table of random numbers for each piece-square pair.
In micro-Max this table is packed by having the 4-byte random numbers overlap three bytes out of four,
i.e. we have a table T[1035]
of (about) nr_of_pieces x nr_of_squares bytes,
and acces that table like it were integers, retreiving four bytes at a time.
(Bad for memory alignment, but much better than having L1-cache misses because the table is too big...)
Since this is done a number of times,
the rather awkward syntax is spelled out in a macros J and K.
Since T[]
is indexed by square number,
the holes in the 0x88 board are used for storing the random numbers for the other color.
The two Zobrist keys swap the numbers for the black and white pieces.
The low-order bits of One key is used to determine where we store (and look for) the position in the table, the other key is stored in the table as the id K. If the entry is already occupied by another position that happened to map to the same address (but with different K) - something which will hapen quite often if the table fills up - we try to put it in the next entry ('rehash') up to eight times. Together, this gives a 1 in 2^53 probability for mis-identification: 1 in 2^32 that two different positions have the same id number, 8 in 2^24 (=16M) that they are sought in the same place (because a position can be stored in 8 locations of a table of 16M entries). This seems small enough: even with 16M entries stored there are 2^47 pairs of entries, so the probability that 2 positions from a full table are accidentally confused is 1 in 64. OK, so it can occasionally happen...
Castling rights, the ability to make an e.p. capture somewhere on the board,
and who is to move are all part of the 'state' of a chess game,
and two positions that differ in this respect sould never be confused,
even if they have all pieces on the same location.
The Zobrist keys would only take care of the latter aspect.
The castling rights are incorporated by adding G-S
(which is 0 for non-castlings)
to one of the keys in the differential update.
(OK, so it does consider a position reached by castling as different from the same one that was reached by
normal moves, who cares?)
The e.p. capture and side to move, which are not lasting features,
are xor'ed to the key directly before retreival, (i.e. not differentially updated), as (k*E^J)
The product k*E
produces values that differ at least 8 from each other for
any legal combination of k and E,
so there can be no confusion even after re-hashing.
(Note that neither k nor E can be zero, and k is a multiple of 8.)
Below the code that implements the hashing scheme is highlighted:
/***************************************************************************/ /* micro-Max, */ /* A chess program smaller than 2KB (of non-blank source), by H.G. Muller */ /***************************************************************************/ /* version 3.2 (2000 characters) features: */ /* - recursive negamax search */ /* - quiescence search with recaptures */ /* - recapture extensions */ /* - (internal) iterative deepening */ /* - best-move-first 'sorting' */ /* - a hash table storing score and best move */ /* - full FIDE rules (expt minor ptomotion) and move-legality checking */ #define F(I,S,N) for(I=S;I<N;I++) #define W(A) while(A) #define K(A,B) *(int*)(T+A+(B&8)+S*(B&7)) #define J(A) K(y+A,b[y])-K(x+A,u)-K(H+A,t) #define U 16777224 struct _ {int K,V;char X,Y,D;} A[U]; /* hash table, 16M+8 entries*/ int V=112,M=136,S=128,I=8e3,C=799,Q,N,i; /* V=0x70=rank mask, M=0x88 */ char O,K,L, w[]={0,1,1,3,-1,3,5,9}, /* relative piece values */ o[]={-16,-15,-17,0,1,16,0,1,16,15,17,0,14,18,31,33,0, /* step-vector lists */ 7,-1,11,6,8,3,6, /* 1st dir. in o[] per piece*/ 6,3,5,7,4,5,3,6}, /* initial piece setup */ b[129], /* board: half of 16x8+dummy*/ T[1035], /* hash translation table */ n[]=".?+nkbrq?*?NKBRQ"; /* piece symbols on printout*/ D(k,q,l,e,J,Z,E,z,n) /* recursive minimax search, k=moving side, n=depth*/ int k,q,l,e,J,Z,E,z,n; /* (q,l)=window, e=current eval. score, E=e.p. sqr.*/ { /* e=score, z=prev.dest; J,Z=hashkeys; return score*/ int j,r,m,v,d,h,i=8,F,G; char t,p,u,x,y,X,Y,H,B; struct _*a=A; /* lookup pos. in hash table*/ j=(k*E^J)&U-9; /* try 8 consec. locations */ while((h=A[++j].K)&&h-Z&&--i); /* first empty or match */ a+=i?j:0; /* dummy A[0] if miss & full*/ if(a->K) /* hit: pos. is in hash tab */ {d=a->D;v=a->V;X=a->X; /* examine stored data */ if(d>=n) /* if depth sufficient: */ {if(v>=l|X&S&&v<=q|X&8)return v; /* use if window compatible */ d=n-1; /* or use as iter. start */ }X&=~M;Y=a->Y; /* with best-move hint */ Y=d?Y:0; /* don't try best at d=0 */ }else d=X=Y=0; /* start iter., no best yet */ N++; /* node count (for timing) */ W(d++<n|z==8&N<1e7&d<98) /* iterative deepening loop */ {x=B=X; /* start scan at prev. best */ Y|=8&Y>>4; /* request try noncastl. 1st*/ m=d>1?-I:e; /* unconsidered:static eval */ do{u=b[x]; /* scan board looking for */ if(u&k) /* own piece (inefficient!)*/ {r=p=u&7; /* p = piece type (set r>0) */ j=o[p+16]; /* first step vector f.piece*/ W(r=p>2&r<0?-r:-o[++j]) /* loop over directions o[] */ {A: /* resume normal after best */ y=x;F=G=S; /* (x,y)=move, (F,G)=castl.R*/ do{H=y+=r; /* y traverses ray */ if(Y&8)H=y=Y&~M; /* sneak in prev. best move */ if(y&M)break; /* board edge hit */ if(p<3&y==E)H=y^16; /* shift capt.sqr. H if e.p.*/ t=b[H];if(t&k|p<3&!(r&7)!=!t)break; /* capt. own, bad pawn mode */ i=99*w[t&7]; /* value of capt. piece t */ if(i<0||E-S&&b[E]&&y-E<2&E-y<2)m=I; /* K capt. or bad castling */ if(m>=l)goto C; /* abort on fail high */ if(h=d-(y!=z)) /* remaining depth(-recapt.)*/ {v=p<6?b[x+8]-b[y+8]:0; /* center positional pts. */ b[G]=b[H]=b[x]=0;b[y]=u&31; /* do move, strip virgin-bit*/ if(!(G&M)){b[F]=k+6;v+=30;} /* castling: put R & score */ if(p<3) /* pawns: */ {v-=9*(((x-2)&M||b[x-2]!=u)+ /* structure, undefended */ ((x+2)&M||b[x+2]!=u)-1); /* squares plus bias */ if(y+r+1&S){b[y]|=7;i+=C;} /* promote p to Q, add score*/ } v=-D(24-k,-l-(l>e),m>q?-m:-q,-e-v-i, /* recursive eval. of reply */ J+J(0),Z+J(8)+G-S,F,y,h); /* J,Z: hash keys */ v-=v>e; /* delayed-gain penalty */ if(z==9) /* called as move-legality */ {if(v!=-I&x==K&y==L) /* checker: if move found */ {Q=-e-i;O=F;return l;} /* & not in check, signal */ v=m; /* (prevent fail-lows on */ } /* K-capt. replies) */ b[G]=k+38;b[F]=b[y]=0;b[x]=u;b[H]=t; /* undo move,G can be dummy */ if(Y&8){m=v;Y&=~8;goto A;} /* best=1st done,redo normal*/ if(v>m){m=v;X=x;Y=y|S&G;} /* update max, mark with S */ } /* if non castling */ t+=p<5; /* fake capt. for nonsliding*/ if(p<3&6*k+(y&V)==S /* pawn on 3rd/6th, or */ ||(u&~24)==36&j==7&& /* virgin K moving sideways,*/ G&M&&b[G=(x|7)-(r>>1&7)]&32 /* 1st, virgin R in corner G*/ &&!(b[G^1]|b[G^2]) /* 2 empty sqrs. next to R */ ){F=y;t--;} /* unfake capt., enable e.p.*/ }W(!t); /* if not capt. continue ray*/ }}}W((x=x+9&~M)-B); /* next sqr. of board, wrap */ C:if(m>I/4|m<-I/4)d=99; /* mate is indep. of depth */ m=m+I?m:-D(24-k,-I,I,0,J,K,S,z,1)/2; /* best loses K: (stale)mate*/ if(!a->K|(a->X&M)!=M|a->D<=d) /* if new/better type/depth:*/ {a->K=Z;a->V=m;a->D=d;A->K=0; /* store in hash,dummy stays*/ a->X=X|8*(m>q)|S*(m<l);a->Y=Y; /* empty, type (limit/exact)*/ } /* encoded in X S,8 bits */ /*if(z==8)printf("%2d ply, %9d searched, %6d by (%2x,%2x)\n",d-1,N,m,X,Y&0x77);*/ } if(z&8){K=X;L=Y&~M;} return m; } main() { int j,k=8,*p,c[9]; F(i,0,8) {b[i]=(b[i+V]=o[i+24]+40)+8;b[i+16]=18;b[i+96]=9; /* initial board setup*/ F(j,0,8)b[16*j+i+8]=(i-4)*(i-4)+(j-3.5)*(j-3.5); /* center-pts table */ } /*(in unused half b[])*/ F(i,M,1035)T[i]=random()>>9; W(1) /* play loop */ {F(i,0,121)printf(" %c",i&8&&(i+=7)?10:n[b[i]&15]); /* print board */ p=c;W((*p++=getchar())>10); /* read input line */ N=0; if(*c-10){K=c[0]-16*c[1]+C;L=c[2]-16*c[3]+C;}else /* parse entered move */ D(k,-I,I,Q,1,1,O,8,0); /* or think up one */ F(i,0,U)A[i].K=0; /* clear hash table */ if(D(k,-I,I,Q,1,1,O,9,2)==I)k^=24; /* check legality & do*/ } }
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