How to...
Netscape Communicator (tested with version 4.05):
Mark link of the desired version of the program (by pushing down the left mouse-key and "slipping over" the
2. Click with the right mouse-key on the just marked
3. Choose menu Link save as... to download
Psion Web (tested with version 2.00(49)):
1. Tap the link of the program once
Choose File/More/Save link as... to download
Microsoft Internet Explorer (tested with version
Click on link
If there are still some problems, please send me an e-mail to with subject "problem in download xxxxx, version yyyyy",
where xxxxx = name of program and yyyyy = series3 or series 5/Revo. I will send you by e-mail the program.
The ZIP file contains all the things to install the program on any drive of your Psion. If you find on your device the Add/remove-icon in the path Tools/Control panel..., you can install the program from your Psion. Please read installation-type A.
If the Add/remove-icon is not present, you have to setup the pogram from a PC with installed PsiWin-software. Please read installation-type B.
Auteur: Jaap Laméris 1999-2003 Last modified: 28-MAY-2003 |