Ptiolina key

Small blackish Rhagionidae.
1.a. Genae bare (male) or sparsely haired (female) -> 2

1.b. Genae haired; body black with sparse grey dusting; abdomen and thorax with long black hairs. 4-4.5 mm. -> Ptiolina nigrina

b>Preferred environment: woodlands. Adult habitat and habits: adults have been found on moist moss on the bark of beech in mixed forest. Flight period: unknown. Range: Continental species. Identification: Van der Goot (1985); Stubbs and Drake (2001).

2.a. Antenna: 1st segment bare except for short apical hairs, 1st and 2nd segment equally long -> 3

2.b. Antenna: 1st segment haired, 1st segment twice as long as 2nd; wing: discal cell broad: at most 3.5 times as long as broad; squamae (part of wing at its base, hind border, attached to thorax) with a fringe of pale hairs. 4 mm. -> Ptiolina nigra

Preferred environment: British records coastal where open habitat is prevalent (Stubbs and Drake, 2001). Adult habitat and habits: short vegetation near open water, marshes. Flight period: unknown. Range: unknown. Identification: Van der Goot (1985); Stubbs and Drake (2001).

3.a. Squamae (base of wing along hind border, winglike part attached to thorax) with a fringe of black hairs; wing: darkened, discal cell long, 5 times as long as wide. Female: frons dull. 3.5-4.5 mm. -> Ptiolina obscura

3.b. Squamae with a fringe of pale hairs. Female: frons polished. 3.5-4.5 mm. -> Ptiolina nitida


Last updated 27.12.2006