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Thecophora are small greyish Conopid
flies, that dwell in the vegetation. They are not often observed in the
field. Most flies are spotted in open grasslands in forested
environments, while visiting flowers. Flower visits include yellow
composites as Crepis biennis.
1.b. Males (approximate key, characters variable!) -> 10
2.a. Theca not projecting, normally laying flat on the sternites, if partly erected, the hind rim of the theca strongly bent near the basis -> 3
2.b. Theca projecting, perpendicular on the sternites, hind rim not bent -> 5
Abdomen and theca of female of, first, Th. melanopa,
with theca laying flat against the sternites and, second, Th.
atra, with theca erect.
3.a. Snout: 2nd and 3rd piece each about as long as the height of the head, at most 10-20% longer; femora: black to yellow on basal half -> 4
3.b. Snout: 2nd and 3rd piece each twice as long as the heigth of the head; femora completely yellow to yellow on basal half. B. -> Thecophora longirostris Lyneborg
4.a. Femur 3 black. 4-6 mm. -> Thecophora melanopa Rondani
4.b. Femur 3 on its basal half yellowish. 5-7 mm. -> Thecophora distincta Wiedemann in Meigen
5.a. Theca in hind view as long as wide, rounded. 4-5 mm. -> 6
5.b. Theca in hind view elongated, lateral margins converging from base to tip -> 9
Abdomen and theca of females of, first, th. cinerascens,
with theca rounded and, second, of Th. atra, with
theca elongate.
6.a. Femur 1 and 2: black, femur 3 only pale on basal half -> 7
6.b. Femur 1 and 2: at least pale on basal half, femur 1 often completely pale on inner side, femur 3 pale on at least basal half; wing base with extensive yellow coloration: radius yellow well after the branching of veins R1 and R2+3; abdomen: tergite 6 obviously dusted medially. Southern and central Europe. -> Thecophora bimaculata (Preyssler)
7.a. Theca in hind view: bristle field occupying half or less of the theca length at the median part, with 4 or less rows of bristles; head: ocellar triangle tawny or black -> 8
7.b. Theca in hind view: bristle field broad, more than half the theca length at the median part, with 5 rows of bristles; head: ocellar triangle yellow or orange-brown, without an obviously defined black area at rear. Eastern palaearctic. -> Thecophora apivora Zimina
8.b. Theca from behind: bristle field reaches only halfway the theca at the side; lower part of frons pale, upper part and ocellar triangle uniformly black; wing base: radius only yellowed until just before the branching of veins R1 and R2+3, then black beyond; abdomen: tergite 6 usually not or only negligibly dusted medially. Southern and central Europe -> Thecophora cinerascens (Meigen)(= Thecophora pusilla)
9.b. Thorax and abdomen with grey dust; femur 3 yellowish on its basal half, femur 1 and 2 brown to black, not turning yellow at their innerside (at most black parts turning brown); thoracic dorsum with two badly marked grey lines of dust, not leaving a sharp black line between them. 5-7 mm. -> Thecophora atra Fabricius
10.a. Thoracic dorsum with two black undusted lines in a large field of grey dust -> 11
11.a. Femur 3 black. 4-6 mm. -> Thecophora melanopa Rondani
11.b. Femur 3 partly yellow -> 12
12.b. Snout: 2nd and 3rd piece each twice as long as the heigth of the head; femora completely yellow to yellow on basal half. B. -> Thecophora longirostris Lyneborg
13.a. Femur 3 at most yellowish on its basal half, femur 1 and 2 black to brown, hardly paler on inside -> 14
13.b. Femur 3 yellowish on its basal twothirds, femur 1 and 2 brownish, turning yellowish in their inside. 7-8 mm. -> Thecophora fulvipes Robineau-Desvoidy
14.b. 2nd antennal segment as long as or shorter than the 3rd segment; femur 3 often only yellowish on its basal quarter. 4-5 mm. -> Thecophora cinerascens (Meigen) (=Th. pusilla) and Thecophora bimaculata, two further species in the eastern palaearctic.
Van Veen M. 1984. De Blaaskopvliegen en roofvliegen van Nederland en België. Jeugdbondsuitgeverij, Utrecht.