
Stripped the website. 5-3-2025.

Keys for the genera Physocephala and Leopoldius (Thick-headed flies, Conopidae) updated. 30-01-2018.

Updated the Conopidae keys. 18-1-2015.

Extended the key to common dutch shells with new species and photo's (key in dutch). 26-2-2011.

Implemented the works of Stuke in the conopid keys for the northwest European species. Key in English. 28-3-2010.

The hoverfly species that Bartsch (2009b) adds to the scandinavian fauna in his second part are now added to the keys in the hoverfly book. 14-3-2010.

The hoverfly species that Bartsch (2009a) adds to the scandinavian fauna are now added to the keys in the hoverfly book. 28-12-2009.


computer van TomThe photo site shows photos from all over the Netherlands, focusing on insects, plants, birds and landscapes in Natura 2000 areas. It is the result of an increasing interest in catching my environment in images. I am using macro- and teletechniques and I am practising in landscapes. My photos are for sale via Buiten-Beeld, a photo-stock agency.

Tabellen (vlieg van Tom) Keys and guides to a couple of fly families (eg. Therevidae, Conopidae, Rhagionidae), sea-shells, grasshoppers and dragonflies. Both allow to name species. The keys offer a system of alternative descriptions, which lead to the name of the specimen. The guides offer short descriptions with diagnostic characters and photos.

Mobiele website (tekening Tom)Mobile website which enables access to the field guides and determination keys for PDA's and smart phones. The site is optimized for the portrait screens of these devices. Now you may access the keys in the field.



Mark van Veen, Zeist, The Netherlands. I headed out already as a youngster, looking for the plants and animals in their natural habitats. I wondered what their names were and learned them step by step. This resulted in a number of insect identification keys that I published, such as a hoverfly key. I also love to photograph them, first with slides, now with the digital camera. This site reflects these interests. You will find a gallery of my photo's and various identifcation keys accompanied by identification photo's. There is also an interactieve java-applet that shows the distribution of robberflies and beeflies in the  Netherlands. Enjoy!

Pay a visit to

Buiten-Beeld, a photo-stock agency with beautiful nature and landscape pictures from all over Europe (and sometimes beyond). My photos can be found under Buiten-Beeld Mark van Veen.

hoverfly site All about European hoverflies. Follow the hoverfly season there!

EIS-Nederland. Organisation that collects distribution data on Dutch invertebrates.

Site of F. Geller-Grimm on robberflies and general entomology.

Hoverfly site of Cyrille Dussaix about French hoverflies and the SYRPHID database with French distributions.

A large number of grasshoppers (the Caelifera) is presented here, including photos and sounds.


Last updated 28.12.2008