Function Keys F1 - F12


The function keys F1 thru F12 can now be trapped.

These keys will be processed at the form level first, before they are passed to the active control. WshDialog will callback to the
ClickHandler routine (where you can handle the key) with a corresponding keyword ("*F1" thru "*F12") as the controlname parameter.

Any combination with a shift key (like SHIFT, CTRL or ALT) is currently not supported, only the function keys by themselves.


Option Explicit

Const vbModal = 1

Dim oDlg, oFrm, oCtl, sText

'Create the WshDialog.Kit object and store a reference in oDlg
Set oDlg = Wscript.CreateObject("WshDialog.Kit", "oDlg_")

'Add a new form and store a reference to it in the variable oFrm
Set oFrm = oDlg.NewForm("")

'Set the form's caption
oFrm.Caption = "Function Keys Example"

'Add a frame, named FRM1, to the form
oFrm.NewFrame "FRM1", 300, 100, 3700, 1400, ""

'Add a label to the FRM1 frame
            sText = "This example demonstrates how to trap the" & vbCrlf
sText = sText & "function keys F1 - F12 in WshDialog v1.04." & vbCrlf & vbCrlf
sText = sText & "Please press the F1 key now ..." & vbCrlf & vbCrlf
oFrm.NewLabel "TEXT", 200, 350, 3500, 1000, sText, "FRM1"

'Add an OK button and set it's Default property
Set oCtl = oFrm.NewButton("EXIT", 1500, 1800, 1000, 375, "&Afsluiten")
oCtl.Cancel = True

'Automatically size the form and show it (modally)

'Enable event handling (callback) for this form
oFrm.CallBack = True

'Show the form
oFrm.Show vbModal

' oDlg_ClickHandler handles the events sent by the controls
Sub oDlg_ClickHandler(sForm, sControl)

    Dim oFrm, oCtl

    'Get a reference to the form and the control that raised the event
    Set oFrm = oDlg.Frm(sForm)
    Set oCtl = oFrm.Ctl(sControl)

    'Check which 'control' caused the event
    Select Case UCase(sControl)
    Case "*F1"
        'Handle the F1 key
        MsgBox "Hey, guess what? You pressed the F1 key!"
    Case "EXIT", "*CLOSE"
        'The Exit button or closebox was clicked. Dismiss the form (hide it)
    Case Else
        'Ignore all other events. Do NOT use oFrm.Hide here,
        'or any event not handled above will dismiss the form
    End Select

End Sub