


Loads a graphic into certain properties of a form or control.

LoadPic is a replacement for the VBScript LoadPicture statement (WSH2 required)
VBScript's LoadPicture does not load pictures from read-only files.


[Set oPic =] oDlg.LoadPic ( sPicture )




Set oPic =

An object variable or picture property you want to assign the graphic to. The properties include the Picture, DownPicture and DisabledPicture properties of a CommandButton control, the MouseIcon property of the Image control and the Icon property of a form.


A reference to the WshDialog.Kit automation object (as returned by the Wscript or VBScript CreateObject methods)


String expression specifying a filename. Can include folder and drive.

If no filename is specified
LoadPic clears the graphic.

Graphics formats recognized include bitmap (.bmp) files, icon (.ico) files, cursor (.cur) files, run-length encoded (.rle) files, metafile (.wmf) files, enhanced metafiles (.emf), GIF (.gif) files, and JPEG (.jpg) files


Option Explicit

Const vbModal = 1

Dim oDlg, oFrm, oCtl

'Create the WshDialog.Kit object and store a reference in oDlg
Set oDlg = Wscript.CreateObject("WshDialog.Kit", "oDlg_")

'Add a new form and store a reference to it in the variable oFrm
Set oFrm = oDlg.NewForm("Sample")

'Add a button named BTN1 to the oFrm form and store a reference in the variable oCtl
Set oCtl = oFrm.NewButton("BTN1", 150, 50, 1000, 1000, "&Button")

'Use the reference variable to set the Picture and DownPicture properties
oCtl.Picture = oDlg.LoadPic("C:\Windows\HlpGlobe.gif")
oCtl.DownPicture = oDlg.

'Automatically size the form to the controls placed on it

'Show the form
oFrm.Show vbModal