May be freely used and exchanged, as long as it is not modified. You may use this product solely at your own risk. I cannot be held responsible for any damages occurring due to your using this product. You may not lease, rent or sell this product to any other party. Have fun.
Description - Scan paper, photo, slide and film with the CanoScan 4400F scanner in color, greyscale and bitonal at 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 600, 800 and 1200 spi.
Installation - Move the 4400Fv01.ZIP file into a directory of your choice and unzip it. Copy the USBECD.SYS file to your C:\OS2\BOOT directory. Add this device driver to your CONFIG.SYS file with the DEVICE=C:\OS2\BOOT\USBECD.SYS /D:04A9:2228:0500 /N:CNS$ /V statement and restart your system.
[Operating Instructions] [Program Parameters] [Technical Information]
Attach the CanoScan 4400F and wait for the beep. Put the object to be scanned in the scanner and close the cover. Start the scan.exe program with the proper parameters. The file scan.tif is written to the current work directory. Enhanced scanning may be done in 2 steps for color and greyscale images. The 1st scan without the /e parameter performs a scan with gamma 1.0 tables. The 2nd scan with the /e parameter performs a scan with gamma 2.0 tables loaded by the 1st scan.
[Paper Scan] [Photo Scan] [Slide Scan] [Film Scan]
Attach the CanoScan 4400F and wait for the beep. Put the paper on the glass plate and close the cover. Start the scan.exe program with the proper parameters. The file scan.tif is written to the current work directory.
objective | command | equivalent |
scan A4 format | scan.exe /h297mm /w210mm | /h1168 /w824 /x2 /y2 |
scan A5 format | scan.exe /h210mm /w149mm | /h0824 /w584 /x2 /y2 |
scan A6 format | scan.exe /h149mm /w105mm | /h0584 /w412 /x2 /y2 |
scan A7 format | scan.exe /h105mm /w075mm | /h0412 /w292 /x2 /y2 |
Use /m for greyscale.
Use /b for bitonal.
Attach the CanoScan 4400F and wait for the beep. Put the photo on the glass plate and close the cover. Start the scan.exe program with the proper parameters. The file scan.tif is written to the current work directory.
objective | command | equivalent |
scan 18x13 cm | scan.exe /h18cm /w13cm | /h708 /w508 /x2 /y2 |
scan 17x11 cm | scan.exe /h17cm /w11cm | /h668 /w432 /x2 /y2 |
scan 15x10 cm | scan.exe /h15cm /w10cm | /h588 /w392 /x2 /y2 |
scan 13x09 cm | scan.exe /h13cm /w09cm | /h508 /w352 /x2 /y2 |
Use /m for greyscale.
Attach the CanoScan 4400F and wait for the beep. Place the slides into the holder and close the cover. Start the scan.exe program with the proper parameters. The file scan.tif is written to the current work directory.
objective | command | equivalent |
scan 1st slide | scan.exe /s1 | /s /h132 /w88 /x388 /y186 |
scan 2nd slide | scan.exe /s2 | /s /h132 /w88 /x388 /y406 |
scan 3rd slide | scan.exe /s3 | /s /h132 /w88 /x388 /y626 |
scan 4th slide | scan.exe /s4 | /s /h132 /w88 /x388 /y846 |
Use /m for greyscale.
Attach the CanoScan 4400F and wait for the beep. Place the film strip into the holder and close the cover. Start the scan.exe program with the proper parameters. The file scan.tif is written to the current work directory.
objective | command | equivalent |
scan 1st frame | scan.exe /f1 | /f /h132 /w88 /x388 /y128 |
scan 2nd frame | scan.exe /f2 | /f /h132 /w88 /x388 /y278 |
scan 3rd frame | scan.exe /f3 | /f /h132 /w88 /x388 /y428 |
scan 4th frame | scan.exe /f4 | /f /h132 /w88 /x388 /y578 |
scan 5th frame | scan.exe /f5 | /f /h132 /w88 /x388 /y728 |
scan 6th frame | scan.exe /f6 | /f /h132 /w88 /x388 /y878 |
Use /m for greyscale.
Use /n for negatives.
/dN - Scanning resolution in samples per inch. Valid values for N are 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 600, 800 and 1200.
/b or /bb or /bg or /br - Bitonal with a fixed threshold of 127. Defaults to green sensor. Select blue, green or red sensor.
/m or /mb or /mg or /mr - Greyscale. Defaults to weighted average of red, green and blue sensors. Select blue, green or red sensor.
/hN or /hNcm or hNmm - Height of the scan area in cin, cm or mm. Valid values for N are 16 to 1180 cin and must be divisible by 4.
/wN or /wNcm or wNmm - Width of the scan area in cin, cm or mm. Valid values for N are 16 to 864 cin and must be divisible by 4.
/xN or /xNcm or xNmm - Horizontal start position of the scan area in cin, cm or mm. Valid values for N are 0 to 848 cin.
/yN or /yNcm or yNmm - Vertical start position of the scan area in cin, cm or mm. Valid values for N are 0 to 1164 cin.
Contains GL843 and WM8198 chips with CCD sensor and 16Mbit SDRAM. Could be GL843 with 128 pins and therefore no flash ROM attached.
Contains bipolar stepper motor with full/half/quarter/eighth steps. Could be allegro A3955/A3967 bipolar stepper motor driver chips.
[Genesys Registers] [Wolfson Registers] [Gamma Tables] [Motor Tables] [Shading Table] [Scanner Buttons]
Write multiple (1 to 32) GL843 registers:
Operation | Setup Packet | Data Packet |
Write N register (Address+Content) pairs | 40h,00h,83h,00h,00h,00h,N*02h,00h | N*(Address,Content) |
Read a specific GL843 register:
Operation | Setup Packet | Data Packet |
1. Write register Address | 40h,00h,83h,00h,00h,00h,01h,00h | Address |
2. Read register Content | C0h,00h,84h,00h,00h,00h,01h,00h | Content |
Write multiple (1 to 16) WM8198 registers:
Operation | Setup Packet | Data Packet |
Write N register (Address+Content) pairs | 40h,00h,83h,00h,00h,00h,N*04h,00h | N*(51h,Address,3Bh,Content) |
Read a specific WM8198 register:
Operation | Setup Packet | Data Packet |
1. Write register Address to register 50h | 40h,00h,83h,00h,00h,00h,03h,00h | 50h,Address,47h |
2. Read register Content from register 47h | C0h,00h,84h,00h,00h,00h,01h,00h | Content |
The GL843 gamma tables 1,2,3 reside at address 0000h,0100h,0200h respectively.
Write a specific GL843 gamma table:
Operation | Setup Packet | Data Packet |
1. Write table Address to registers 5Bh,5Ch | 40h,00h,83h,00h,00h,00h,05h,00h | 5Bh,high(Address),5Ch,low(Address),28h |
2. Write host-to-device transfer of 0200h bytes | 40h,00h,82h,00h,00h,00h,08h,00h | 01h,00h,00h,00h,00h,02h,00h,00h |
3. Bulk data transfer Content via endpoint 02h | Content |
Read a specific GL843 gamma table:
Operation | Setup Packet | Data Packet |
1. Write table Address to registers 5Bh,5Ch | 40h,00h,83h,00h,00h,00h,05h,00h | 5Bh,high(Address),5Ch,low(Address),4Eh |
2. Write device-to-host transfer of 0242h bytes | 40h,00h,82h,00h,00h,00h,08h,00h | 00h,00h,00h,00h,42h,02h,00h,00h |
3. Bulk data transfer Content via endpoint 81h | dummy,dummy,Content |
The GL843 motor tables 1,2,3,4,5 reside at address 4000h,4800h,5000h,5800h,6000h respectively.
Write a specific GL843 motor table:
Operation | Setup Packet | Data Packet |
1. Write table Address to registers 5Bh,5Ch | 40h,00h,83h,00h,00h,00h,05h,00h | 5Bh,high(Address),5Ch,low(Address),28h |
2. Write host-to-device transfer of 07F8h bytes | 40h,00h,82h,00h,00h,00h,08h,00h | 01h,00h,00h,00h,F8h,07h,00h,00h |
3. Bulk data transfer Content via endpoint 02h | Content |
Read a specific GL843 motor table:
Operation | Setup Packet | Data Packet |
1. Write table Address to registers 5Bh,5Ch | 40h,00h,83h,00h,00h,00h,05h,00h | 5Bh,high(Address),5Ch,low(Address),4Eh |
2. Write device-to-host transfer of 07FAh bytes | 40h,00h,82h,00h,00h,00h,08h,00h | 00h,00h,00h,00h,FAh,07h,00h,00h |
3. Bulk data transfer Content via endpoint 81h | dummy,dummy,Content |
The GL843 area-shading table resides at SDRAM address 000000h.
Write a specific GL843 area-shading table:
Operation | Setup Packet | Data Packet |
1. Write table Address to registers 29h,2Ah,2Bh | 40h,00h,83h,00h,00h,00h,07h,00h | 29h,00h,2Ah,00h,2Bh,00h,3Ch |
2. Write host-to-device transfer of Size bytes | 40h,00h,82h,00h,00h,00h,08h,00h | 01h,00h,00h,00h,low(Size),high(Size),00h,00h |
3. Bulk data transfer Content via endpoint 02h | Content |
Read a specific GL843 area-shading table:
Operation | Setup Packet | Data Packet |
1. Write table Address to registers 29h,2Ah,2Bh | 40h,00h,83h,00h,00h,00h,07h,00h | 29h,00h,2Ah,00h,2Bh,00h,45h |
2. Write device-to-host transfer of Size bytes | 40h,00h,82h,00h,00h,00h,08h,00h | 00h,00h,00h,00h,low(Size),high(Size),00h,00h |
3. Bulk data transfer Content via endpoint 81h | dummy,dummy,Content |
Read scanner button Trigger or Status information:
Operation | Setup Packet | Data Packet |
Interrupt data transfer Trigger via endpoint 83h | Trigger | |
Read scanner button Status (polling method) | C0h,00h,8Ah,00h,00h,00h,01h,00h | Status |
Result of (Status AND 78h) or (Trigger XOR 78h) gives scanner button pressed:
10h | 70h | 58h | 50h | 38h | 30h | 18h |