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If you want to build your own sea kayak, I invite you to look at how I built my Guillemot sea kayak. You'll have to enjoy the aspect of constructing and working with wood, glassfibre, and 2 component Epoxy. If just want your own boat, please buy one rather than building one. Enjoying the construction and building should be a big reason for building your own boat. You'll need a lot of patience as well.
There are several different way's to build a boat. I have only described the way I did it. To the left you see a page from of Nick Schade's book, Nick is the designer of the boat. This table describes most of the boat.
The project started by transferring cross sections as described in the table onto very thin paper, such as is used for dressmaking. The paper has a printed on grid.
With wall-paper glue the paper was stuck on MDF board. This was a tricky job, because the paper tears easily when it's wet. In hindsight MDF board is not a good material for this job, as staples don't catch 100 %.
Sawing out the MDF board shapes was easy.

For the duration of the whole project I used good protection for breathing and eyes. Red cedar wood dust, 2 component Epoxy, polyester, and 2 component Polyurethane are all toxic and should not be inhaled. My advice: spend money on good protection.
The cross sections were placed on a beam at distances of a foot. The beam was selected carefully as it must run as straight as possible.
Lining up the cross sections carefully was important as this affects the way the boat will behave. The boat should paddle in a straight line later.

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