Chapter:- Water contact - 

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It is necessary to wear a mask when you work with the 2 component Polyurethane varnish (DD lacquer). A bumble bee came into the garage and within 10 minutes it was unconscious. This varnish gives protection against UV light as well as scratches.
Using slings I hung up the boat by the 2 compartments and so I was able to coat the boat in one go.
A picure from the front, waiting for the varnish to cure.
Fitting all the bits and pieces onto the boat was more work then I had expected. The varnish was still very soft and I had to work carefully. The full curing process takes weeks rather than days.
The boat will need to be transported too, so I tried out my roofrack.
The maiden voyage started at our club on the lake, Zuidlaardermeer, Netherlands. My wife assisted and took pictures.
The boat floats and the spray skirt fits very well. The kneebraces are well placed and the seat sits fine. I'll have to make longer trips to get a good impression .
The boat is very stable and glides through the water. The skeg system works very well. It moves easily. A bit strange is the low bow. My North Shore boat has a much higher bow.
My first impression is that this seems to be a very good design.
On more open water, waves wash over the boat and I know now that I have to improve the water seal on the hatches. I tested the boat with wind from the front, back and every direction in between. It behaved just perfectly. The boat tends to turn into the wind and I can correct this with my skeg. My advice is not to use a rudder, but to use a skeg.
It's now a 3 beaufort wind (8 knots) and I would like to know how it behaves with 6 beaufort ( 24 knots). 3 is a fine wind for a first test.
Waterdrops on the deck. A nice picture to end this web page. I am sure now that I will build another boat. It's so much fun to do. My thanks goes to my wife Maria for her patience, advice, and helping hand during these 14 months. Also I thank Valerie Welch in Amersfoort, Netherlands and Dick Bolhuis in Zeijen, Netherlands for their good advice. Without them it would never have turned out so good.

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