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Copying the seat from an exsisting one to make a good mould for the polyester. The first time round I used plaster of Paris, this turned out to be a bad choice, because it was 2 years old. It had to be thrown out.

I then switched to Goldband (Knauf) which works wonderfull.
This is how it looks after removing the mould from the seat
It took some thinking through to decide on how to support the plaster mould to avoid damage while sanding and finishing the surface.
An upturned table helps me along.
After several days of filling, drying and sanding the mould begins to look like it should. From here on I'll work with beeswax to reach a smooth surface
The material used.
The smooth, painted mould ready for applying the polyester resin. Originally I planned to use beeswax to attain a smooth surface, however I have decided to paint it instead.
I have made some hooks from Ashwood so as to be able to attach one or two things in the kayak (milling and saw work). These are still to be sanded into their final shape.
A very safe way to transport the fragile wooden strips. An extended ladder is a good carrier.
20 strips sawn from an Ashwood piece of stairway, scarved and rounded on four sides.
After sanding the ends of the short lengths to taper, these are then joined and glued to form four longer pieces of 5 meters each.
The wooden strips are within easy reach.
The still empty frame.

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