
    1. The IVth Crusade
    2. Icon
    3. Embers
    4. Where Next To Conquer
    5. As The World Burns
    6. This Time Its War
    7. Ritual
    8. Spearhead
    9. Celestial Sanctuary
    10. Dying Creed
    11. Through The Ages (Outro)



Mortified by the lack of conscience
Our sanctitiy bears no relevance
Insignificance is our existence,
Hear the litany of life's persistence
Our pleas for mercy fall upon unhearing ears,
Take my life, my soul, wipe away these bitter tears.
Vanquished in the name of your god,
One of the same to whom we once prayed
Try to close my mind - From the screams I hear,
Repentance is denied, the conformation of my fear.



No escape, there is no way out
Of this constructed existence,
A created image of untrue conception,
You cannot find the real you.
Manipulated a hyped invention,
Who is this false identity?
The ideal person, perfect role model,
Beneath you can feel the cracks,
Now your nerves begin to break,
Losing grip, now it's too late,
Perceive this no fallacy,
This icon faces insanity,
On the verge of mental breakdown,
Forgotten realms of madness
are found,
Now you face the final curtain,
Your future life is now uncertain.



From the glowing fragments of
what remains,
The soul shall rise from amongst
the flames,
From smouldering ruins the
power grows,
Feel the pulse of fear as we
regain control.
From the ashes of a million dead,
The children of tomorrow now are fed
Into the darkness as emotions slowly
Memories of the past cannot be saved
Bowing down to face your new
found life,
There is no escape, you must comply,
This resurrected hate can't be denied.
Asking for redemption - we laugh and look away,
There shal be no exception - Revenge on man begins today.
You thought that it was all over, But its only just begun,
For your life is mortal, Look to what fate will become.
Learn to live afraid of what may be,
For we possess this world - All that
you see,
Your life is no more than a game to me.
Visions of the future reflected in
the past,
Existing in the present which surely
cannot last.
From the void terror takes its hold,
Face the wrath as history unfolds.



Lost on a voyage with no destiny,
Forgotten original ideology.
generations born and died,
Their intentions misplaced
through time,
Another world falls to its knees,
With vast contempt your hatred breeds,
Nothing left for us to slaughter
Annihilation achieved
Where next to conquer?
Civilisations of the past
Faced attrition now ripped apart,
Moving onwards to another war,
Into battle to die once more.
An endless spiral of depravity,
Mankind's journey throughout infinity.
Where next to conquer?



Turn around and shield your eyes,
Don't look back as the earth dies,
No tomorrow for eternity,
The apocalyptic prophecy,
Few shall survive the final war,
Our futile lives shall be no more.
Innocent victims of the nuclear glare,
Are torn apart as they stand unaware.
The whole world is radioactive,
What's left of man now unproductive,
None shall escape the fall-out rain,
Our future life shall be steeped in pain.
Feel the chill of the nuclear winds,
Our planets downfall shall now begin.
No excuse for the vast destruction,
Caused by man with no
Life expectancy now decreases,
As atomic warfare rapidly increases,
Our foolish games, what have we
No time for sorrow as the world burns.



Intimidation you can't take much more,
No compromise - this time its war.
Take none alive - their battle cry roars,
Nowhere to hide - this time its war.
Face the fear that grips your mind,
The final conflict - the end of mankind.
Read the hatred deep within their eyes,
It's time to die you now realise.
What has occured to man,
Just isn't how you planned,
Enslaved by machinery,
Submit to technology.
Our future lives - Mankinds entity,
Lies in our hands - Together we must face reality.
A ruined world of lost identity,
Technological supremacy.



Remembering promises,
Once made but now unspoken,
Born of child like minds,
These shadows of the past are now forsaken.
From the dawn of your first day,
To this death bed on which you lay,
To survive we must comply,
With the ritual of your life.
Can you remember the things we said,
The dreams our expectations,
Like ashes scattered in the wind,
There is no recollection.
Throughout the passing years,
Faith will allay your years,
Follow the holy rites,
In the ritual of your life.
Life an endless ritual -
Continuation perpetual
Throughout the passing years,
Faith will allay your years,
Follow the holy rites,
In the ritual of your life.
Try to remember if you can,
The pacts we made most solemn,
Hands of time have bought decay,
Those memories are forgotten.
Now as you reach the end,
All pain you must trancend,
When you die you can't deny,
The ritual of your life.



Spearhead marching onward,
Take my soul sacrificial offering.
Your initial strike taken by surprise,
Now left alone, condemned
by my pride.
Drained of all emotion - body now an empty shell,
There's nothing left - you've taken all away
Adrenaline flows,
Now filled with anger -
Just what will be the outcome,
Mass confusion, tears my mind.
Spearhead - No victory sumblime,
Another fallen victim - I will
not beg to you,
Spearhead - to which I cannot hold
With clear perception my
destiniy unfolds.
I look to the refection, fail to
recognise what's seen
A figure clothed in hatred, I pray that
this cannot be,
Faced by this total stranger - aware
of your creation
No vision of the former self-
Controlled by your instruction,
Onward you advance, left in a
mindless trance,
Hyptnotised by your will, desire
is now instilled,
Now staring face to face, your eyes
filled with hate,
Held by your contempt, both by weakness and by strenght.
(repeat chorus)



As the sky turns black,
And the earth sleeps in peace,
Roaming the clouds,
In search of a sacred place.
Spirits soar higher, to a land where
they are king,
Mortal shells left with you, within
shadows they dwell.
Take me far away-deep
within the dream,
There I can be free from life's misery.
Blood rushes through my veins,
I can feel exhilaration,
The freedom of my mind can take
me far beyond.
Take me far away-deep within
the dream,
There clearly seen life's unreality,
Take me far away-deep within
the dream,
There I can be free from life's misery.
Each night I await the call of my
silent quest,
To run through the wind alive in
the darkness,
Take me far away-deep within
the dream,
There clearly seen life's unreality,
As the dawn gets closer-to my body
I shall return,
To live amongst you all, for nightfall
I yearn.



Fallen are the people of decaying race,
Now proclaim the legacy inherited too late-too late,
Mankind-The dying creed, Reared on ignorance and greed,
On suffering we feed devouring all beyond our needs.
A path of self destruction they
cannot see,
Regarding their only interest in profitability-They cannot see,
Open up your mind before its too late,
Unlock the chains of confinement
that we create.
Grasping all that you can-overloaded capacity,
Nothing can conceal instinctive
A movement to disaster could this
be the final plan,
Blinded by our avarice, the closing chapter, extinction of man.
Mankind-The dying creed, Reared on ignorance and greed,
On suffering we feed, devouring all beyond our needs.
