  1. Suicide's An Alternative/You'll Be Sorry
  2. Two Sided Politics
  3. I Shot The Devil
  4. Subliminal
  5. Won't Fall In Love Today
  6. Institutionalised
  7. Memories Of Tomorrow
  8. Possessed
  9. I Saw Your Mommy...
  10. Fascist Pig
  11. I Want More
  12. Suicidal Failure

Lyrics are from official CD Booklet


(Mike Muir)
Sick of people-no one's real
Sick of chicks-they're all bitches
Sick of you-you're to hip
Sick of life-it sucks

Suicide's an alternative

Sick of trying-what's the point
Sick of talking-no one listens
Sick of listening-it's all lies
Sick of thinking-just end up confused
Sick of moving-never get nowhere
Sick of myself-don't wanna live
Sick and tired-and no one cares
Sick of life-it sucks

Sick of politics-for the rich
Sick of power-only oppresses
Sick of government-full of tyrants
Sick of school-total brainwash
Sick of music-top 40 sucks
Sick of myself-don't wanna live
Sick and tired-and no one cares
Sick of life-it sucks

Suicide's an alternative

Sick of life-it sucks
Sick and tired-and no one cares
Sick of myself-don't wanna live
Sick of living-gotta die

Suicide's an alternative


Well I've got a little story to tell
About a man that said he came from hell
He said Satan's been lookin especially after me
He said Satan's got a paper, gonna set my body free
He said power and glory, bitches and story
All in your name and all for you this day
Oh yeah
Power in your name, glory and fame
All the gold and all the bitches that you had
Oh yeah
He said, power, fame, all in your name
All that you wanted, all that you need
All that you want to answer your greed
Anything that you ever could need
Well sign the paper that's all you do
Sign the paper it's ready to
Anything there it's all for you
Just sign the paper

Oh let me see if I got this right
Then I sign this paper and I get all these things
It's gotta be something else to happen, I don't know man
Besides it's like coward

Well I don't care too much about gold
And I don't really give a fuck about what you've been told
And I don't really care and don't need anyone looking after me
Besides I'm a meaner son of a bitch than that fuck ever could be
(Mike Muir)
I'm not anti-society, society's anti-me and
I'm not anti-religion, religion is anti-me and
I'm not anti-tradition, tradition is anti-me and
I'm not anti-anything, I just wanna be free

Fascist state, no freedom
Unless you control yourself
Use self expression, lose your freedom
You're undesirable, you go straight to jail

Two-sided politics, what've they ever done for me?

Kill someone in a war
Get a medal you're a hero
Protect yourself in everyday war
You're undesirable, you go straight to jail

Two-sided politics, what've they ever done for me?

I'm not anti-Reagan, Reagan's anti-me and
I'm not anti-government, government's anti-me and
I'm not anti-politics, politics is anti-me and
I'm not anti-anything, I just wanna be free

Innocent, never guilty
High class lawyer, you are rich
If you're poor must be guilty
Even if you're innocent you go straight to jail

Two-sided politics!

(Mike Muir) 

I shot Reagan!

I shot Reagan, I shot Sadat
I'm gonna shoot you, dead in heaven you'll rot
You're gonna rot in heaven, hear an angel's voice
You're too bad for hell although it's your first choice

Rot in heaven, you're too bad for hell
Rot in heaven, you're forgiven in hell

I shot Lennon, I shot the Pope
I shot the devil, now you ain't got no hope
You're gonna rot in heaven, hear an angel's voice
You're too bad for hell although it's your first choice

Rot in heaven, you're too bad for hell
Rot in heaven, you're forgiven in hell

Rot in heaven, you're forgiven in hell
Rot in heaven, you're forgiven in hell

I shot Reagan, I shot Sadat
I'm gonna shoot you, dead in heaven you'll rot
I shot Lennon, I shot the Pope
I shot the devil now you ain't got no hope

I shot Reagan, but I'll shoot him again and again and again...

(Mike Muir)
Flashing pictures on my screen
Shown too quickly too be seen
Does not register in my conscious mind
Propaganda of another kind

They're fucking with me subliminally
They're fucking with me subliminally

Flashing pictures on my screen
Shown too quickly too be seen
Does not register in my conscious mind
Propaganda of another kind


They're fucking with me subliminally
They're fucking with me subliminally
They're fucking with me subliminally
They're fucking with me subliminally

Watching T.V. I start to cry
For no reason, I don't know why
Could it be from messages on my T.V.
Which I'm getting subliminally?

They're fucking with me subliminally
They're fucking with me subliminally

Flashing pictures on my screen
Shown too quickly too be seen
Does not register in my conscious mind
Propaganda of another kind


They're fucking with me subliminally
They're fucking with me subliminally
They're fucking with me subliminally
They're fucking with me subliminally

Mind control the easiest way
Sponsored by the C.I.A
It's a weapon you cannot see
It's propaganda subliminally

They're fucking with me subliminally
They're fucking with me subliminally

(Mike Muir)
Baby don't you be blue
You know that I'll always be true
You know that I'll always love you
And we'll always be together too

Over a thousand things I can say to you
Half of which would be untrue
But the one thing for sure I can say
Is that I won't fall in love today

Baby when you hold me tight
You know everything will be all right
So let's not take any time to fight
Because you know I love you with all my might

Over a thousand things I can say to you
Half of which would be untrue
But the one thing for sure I can say
Is that I won't fall in love today

You make me feel like a man
When we're rolling in the sand
So come and take me by the hand
And do the things you know we can

Over a thousand things I can say to you
Half of which would be untrue
But the one thing for sure I can say
Is that I won't fall in love today


(Mike Muir/Louiche Mayorga)
Sometimes I try to do things, and it just doesn't work out the way I want it
to and I get real frustrated, and like, I try hard to do it and I take my time
but it just doesn't work out the way I want it to, it's like I concentrate on
it real hard, but it just doesn't work out, and everything I do and everything
I try it never turns out, it's like I need time to figure these things out,
there's always someone there going:
 - Hey Mike, you know, we been noticing you've been having alot of problems
   lately, you know, maybe get away, and like maybe you should talk about it,
   you'd feel alot better.
I go:
 - No, it's ok, you know, I'll figure it out, just leave me alone I'll figure
   it out, you know, I'll just work it out myself.
And they go:
 - Well you know, if you wanna talk about it I'll be here you know, and you'll
   probably feel alot better if you talk about it, so why don't you talk
   about it?
I go:
 - No, I don't want to, I'm ok, I'll figure it out myself!
But they just keep bugging me and they just keep bugging me, and it builds up

So you're gonna be institutionalized
You'll come out brainwashed with bloodshot eyes
You won't have any say
They'll brainwash you until you see their way

I'm not crazy - institutionalized
You're the one who's crazy - institutionalized
You're driving me crazy - institutionalized

They stuck me in an institution
Said it was the only solution
To give me the needed professional help
To protect me from the enemy, myself

I was in my room and I was like just staring at the wall thinking about
everything but then again I was thinking about nothing, and then my mom came
in and I didn't even know she was there and she calls my name and I didn't
hear her and then she started screaming:
 - Mike, Mike!
And I go:
 - What, what's the matter?
And she goes:
 - What's the matter with you? 
I go:
 - There's nothing wrong mom.
And she goes:
 - Don't tell me that, you're on drugs!
I go:
 - No mom, I'm not on drugs, I'm ok, I'm just thinking, you know, why don't
   you give me a Pepsi?
She goes: 
 - No, you're on drugs!
I go:
 - Mom, I'm okay, I'm just thinking.
She goes:
 - No, you're not thinking, you're on drugs, normal people don't act that way.
I go:
 - Mom, just get me a Pepsi please, all I want's a Pepsi!
And she wouldn't give it to me, all I wanted was a Pepsi, just one Pepsi, and
she wouldn't give it to me, just a Pepsi.

They give you a white shirt with long sleeves
Tied around you're back, you're treated like thieves
Drug you up because they're lazy
It's too much work to help a crazy

I'm not crazy - institutionalized
You're the one who's crazy - institutionalized
You're driving me crazy - institutionalized

They stuck me in an institution
Said it was the only solution
To give me the needed professional help
To protect me from the enemy, myself

I was sitting in my room and my mom and my dad came in and they pulled up a
chair and they sat down, they go:
 - Mike, we need to talk to you.
I go:
 - Okay, what's the matter?
They go:
 - Me and your mom, we been noticing lately you've been having alot of
   problems, and you've been going out for no reason, and we're afraid that
   you're going to hurt somebody, and we're afraid you're gonna hurt yourself,
   so we decided that it would be in your best interest if we put you 
   somewhere where you could get the help that you need...
And I go:
 - Wait, what are you talking about, we decided? My best interest? How do you
   know what MY best interest is?  How can you say what MY best interest is?
   What are you trying to say? That I'm crazy? When I went to your schools, I
   went to your churches, I went to your institutional learning facilities.So 
   how can you say I'm crazy?

They say they're gonna fix my brain
Alleviate my suffering and my pain
But by the time they fix my head
Mentally I'll be dead

I'm not crazy - institutionalized
You're the one who's crazy - institutionalized
You're driving me crazy - institutionalized

They stuck me in an institution
Said it was the only solution
To give me the needed professional help
To protect me from the enemy, myself

It doesn't matter, I'll probably get hit by a car anyway.

(Mike Muir)
B-1 bombers in flight
Trident missiles in the air
MX missiles underground
Protect us till we're dead

Memories of tomorrow-cry in sorrow

Push the button
Kiss good-bye the nuclear arsenal
A-bombs flying off their ramps
Nuclear bombs explode

Radioactive people
Search for medicine
Pray for shelter
Kill for food

Memories of tomorrow-cry in sorrow

Mass starvation
Contaminated water
Destroyed cities
Mutilated bodies


Memories of tomorrow-cry in sorrow

I'll kill myself
I'd rather die
If you could see the future
You'd know why

Memories of tomorrow!

(Mike Muir)
When I go down the street
The people watch me shiver and shake
I'm a prisoner of a demon
I think my head's about to break
It stays with me wherever I go
I can't break away from it's hold
This must be my punishment
For selling my soul

Too much pressure, my pulse is rising
My heart is pounding, my head really hurts
I can't take it, all this pressure
From all these things inside of me
Everywhere I look I see them
Everywhere I go they're at
What did I do to deserve this
Why won't they just leave my body

Are they people or are they spirits
Do they belong to the human race
Why do they want me so bad
Why won't they come out of their hiding place
I can't see them, but I know they're here
I can feel it in my veins
All this pressure on my body
Is causing all my strength to drain

Too much pressure, my pulse is rising
My heart is pounding, my head really hurts
I can't take it, all this pressure
From all these things inside of me
Everywhere I look I see them
Everywhere I go they're at
What did I do to deserve this
Why won't they just leave my body

Am I crazy or am I insane
Or have I already lost my mind
Is it real, or is it fake
Or am I in a permanent bind
Am I in power or am I a slave
Who the hell is in control
Am I still living, or am I dead
Do I still have a soul

Too much pressure, my pulse is rising
My heart is pounding, my head really hurts
I can't take it, all this pressure
From all these things inside of me
Everywhere I look I see them
Everywhere I go they're at
What did I do to deserve this
Why won't they just leave my body

I know I can't keep going this way
I have to give my mind some leisure
If I keep on going like this
I never again will taste pleasure
If they will not break the oath
I will have to disband
I have lost all control
This thing has now taken command

Possessed, possessed
Possessed, possessed


I SAW YOUR MOMMY... [4:52]
(Mike Muir)
Yesterday, as I went out of the house
I saw a body lying down quiet as a mouse
Lying face down in the sewer
I got up closer and realized that I knew her
All her organs coming from her insides
Slashed up skin sliced up hide
Turned her over and saw the tire tracks on her head
That's when I realized she was dead
I saw your mommy and your mommy is dead
I saw your mommy and your mommy is dead

Twisted body, chopped off feet
Her body was minced meat
Bugs crawling on her arms
She's dead, can't do no harm
Gnarled up legs, broken and bent
Her last breath has been spent

I wonder, how much you had to pay
To get your mom killed in such a bloody way

I saw your mommy and your mommy is dead
I watched her as she bled
Chewed off toes on her chopped off feet
I took a picture cause I thought it looked neat
But the thing I liked seeing the best
Was the rodents using her hair as a nest
I saw your mommy and your mommy is dead
I saw your mommy and your mommy is dead

Twisted body, chopped off feet
Her body was minced meat
Bugs crawling on her arms
She's dead, can't do no harm
Gnarled up legs, broken and bent
Her last breath has been spent

I know it's your allowance that you'll really miss
But make it look good at her funeral and give her little kiss

I saw your mommy and your mommy is dead
I saw her lying in a pool of red
I think it's the greatest thing I'll ever see
Your dead mommy lying in front of me
I'll always remember her lying dead on the floor
I hope she dies twenty times more
I saw your mommy and your mommy is dead
I saw your mommy and your mommy is dead

Twisted body, chopped off feet
Her body was minced meat
Bugs crawling on her arms
She's dead, can't do no harm
Gnarled up legs, broken and bent
Her last breath has been spent

I wonder, how much you had to pay
To get your mom killed in such a bloody way

(Mike Muir)
Tense atmosphere in the air
Riot written everywhere
Riot squads coming from over there
Time to go home if you're square!

Riot squad, bash their heads
Kick their ass until they're dead
I want to be a fascist pig
Love to fight, what a thrill
We don't stop until we kill
I want to be a fascist pig

Throw a bottle in the air
Put them up to their dare
We'll just laugh while they stare
Let them hit me, see if I care!

Riot squad, bash their heads
Kick their ass until they're dead
I want to be a fascist pig
Love to fight, what a thrill
We don't stop until we kill
I want to be a fascist pig

Get attacked by them
You'll never heal
They'll rob your conscience
Your sanity they'll steal
They'll beat your brains until they spill
That's fascist favorite meal!

Riot squad, bash their heads
Kick their ass until they're dead
I want to be a fascist pig
Love to fight, what a thrill
We don't stop until we kill
I want to be a fascist pig

I want to be a fascist pig!

I WANT MORE [2:27]
(Mike Muir/Louiche Mayorga)
In times of trouble I fall to my knees and look to the sky
Cause me, me I want more
The classification of our heart's a sin
Cause me, me I want more

Don't wanna pump nobody's gas-I want more
Don't wanna kiss my bosses ass-I want more
Don't wanna take the first job I find-I want more
Don't wanna dig coal out of a mine-I want more

Slaving in a factory a different kind of insanity
Feels like I'm locked in a cage
Working like a maniac, gave myself a heart attack
For a job that pays minimum wage

I want more!

Don't wanna work at the golden arches-I want more
Don't wanna wash rich men cars-I want more
Don't wanna be nobody's gardener-I want more
Don't wanna be a garbage man-I want more

Slaving in a factory a different kind of insanity
Feels like I'm locked in a cage
Working like a maniac, gave myself a heart attack
For a job that pays minimum wage

I sit and reflect about all that I've learned and all that I see
Cause me, me I want more
The memories come and then go away
Cause me, me I want more

Don't wanna pump nobody's gas-I want more
Don't wanna kiss my bosses ass-I want more
Don't wanna take the first job I find-I want more
Me, I want more!

(Mike Muir)
Father forgive me for I know not what I do
I tried everything, now I'll leave it up to you
I don't wanna live, I don't know why
I don't have no reasons, I just want to die

I'm a suicidal failure, I gotta have some help
I've suicidal tendencies, but I can't kill myself

Tired of this way of life, my patience has expired
I'm barely just 19, but my life I will retire
I went down to a rifle store, I bought myself a gun
I pointed it at my head, but I couldn't get the job done

I'm a suicidal failure, I gotta have some help
I've suicidal tendencies, but I can't kill myself

I took all my mothers sleeping pills
I jumped off a freeway bridge
I drank three kinds of poison
And drove my car off a ridge
I beat myself with a bat
Put a noose around my head
I've overdosed on heroin
But I'm still not dead

I'm a suicidal failure, I gotta have some help
I've suicidal tendencies, but I can't kill myself

Death may not be the answer, it can't be all that great
But me I'm not into living, with life I can't relate
By some masochistic reasoning, I think it will be fun
I want to start my second life now so shoot me with your gun

I'm looking forward-suicidal
I'm really bored-suicidal
Don't wanna die-suicidal
I'll rather die-suicidal

On the street-suicidal
At the game-suicidal
At the beach-suicidal
At my school-suicidal