This is under construction still. It should become a comprehensive overview of what I have done in Forth.
Forth lecture 1: Denotations
Forth lecture 2: Offensive words
(excerpt only )
Forth lecture 3: Nested compilation
(excerpt only )
Forth lecture 4: The DEA concept
Forth lecture 5: Optimisers in Forth
Forth lecture 6: Coroutines in Forth
Forth lecture 7: Metacompilation
(excerpt only )
Forth lecture 8: Generic programming
Forth lecture 9: the worddoc system
(excerpt only )
Forth lecture 10: scripting
Forth lecture 11: Debugging
(excerpt only )
Forth lecture 12: strings
Forth lecture 13: Comment conventions
Forth lecture 14: Color high lighting
Forth lecture 15: Structures and classes in Forth
Forth lecture 16: Doubly linked vocabularies
Forth lecture 17: Implementing lisp in Forth
Forth lecture 18: General purpose parsing
Forth lecture 19: Do loop's revisited
Forth lecture 20: lucky, the simples computer language
Forth lecture 21: lambda, quotations, nesting
Forth lecture 22: The WANT library system
To be supplied
Properties : Idempotent recursive conditional
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