Welcome to the Beta Test 3.0 Download Page

Below are beta versions of the SETI@home 3.0 client. Though the eventual release number will be 3.0, the current build number is 2.70 for Windows and 2.66 for Mac. Please click on the appropriate links to obtain the right versions for different operating systems.

FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO ALREADY DOWNLOADED 2.66 FOR WINDOWS: We realized right away that this version was much slower than previous versions, and quickly made a few builds to figure out what was causing the painful slowdown. We found the culprit, and 2.70 is built without it. You should notice a vast decrease in CPU time per work unit, but may also notice some drawing errors.

SOMETHING TO CHECK FOR: We have had complaints from Mac users that funny values are corrupting the state.sah file, yeilding oddly negative or out-of-bounds results. On both MAC and WINDOWS systems, please try to recreate this problem - our guess is that it is being caused by frequent client stop/restarts that introduce random errors into the state file. Please exercise this by continually quitting the client (on windows, you right click on the system tray icon and select exit) and restarting.

Please note that you should download the software now because you will not be allowed to return to this page at a later time.

The Mac and Windows versions work just like regular SETI@home installers, in that you shouldn't have a current client running when you install the new software, and you will lose your current work unit in progress (you may want to wait until it's done). Hopefully things will be self explanatory.

The big change in 3.0 is vastly improved science - we are now searching for pulses and triplets as well as spikes and gaussians. Web pages describing these in more detail will be up soon on the main home page. Other improvements include optimized FFTs (for faster analysis of wave data) and various bug fixes.

Any and all feedback is welcome. Even if you have nothing but positive things to say. We want to know if something is working or not. Please send all comments to us via e-mail (beta@setiathome.berkeley.edu), but keep in mind we may not be able to respond immediately.

And now, the moment you've been waiting for.. The new clients!

Windows 2.70 client
Mac 2.66 client
Solaris 2.66 client