Welcome to the Beta Test 3.0 Download Page

Below are beta versions of the SETI@home 3.0 client. Though the eventual release number will be 3.0, the current (and hopefully final) build number is 2.76. Please click on the appropriate links to obtain the right versions for different operating systems.

The SETI@home beta client version 2.76 fixes the remaining minor bugs that the beta testers have reported, as well as tunes the final bits of scientific code.


There isn't much difference between 2.74 and 2.76, except for some science tweaking (adjusting thresholds so the result files didn't fill up with too much garbage) and some small bug fixes which were mostly cosmetic. We did make one interim build (2.75) and found that there was an actual bug in a Windows time library routine that caused an invalid page fault when given a negative number. This was not a visible problem for most users, but we added a fix to make sure this routine was never called with negative values.

At any rate, we felt enough has changed to warrant one final beta. If everything is working as expected, then this exact version will be renamed 3.0 and released to the public.

By the way, a couple testers complained about "program file corrupted" errors. We believe this is a fault on the server side. If you see this happen, please send e-mail with information regarding what platform you are using, and if you are using any third-party "add-on" software.


Please do your best to thoroughly beta test this version. Try everything you can think of to make it crash, and install it on as many computers as you can. Before we release version 3.0, we want to make sure there are no major problems. Smaller issues will be dealt with in later versions (3.0x). Any bugs, small or large, should be reported to beta@setiathome.berkeley.edu, even if you have already reported them for previous versions.

In particular, we have been receiving some reports of excessive CPU heat, resource usage, and sluggishness. If you notice any of these, please let us know your CPU temperature, swap file size, available resources/memory, and other system information, both for version 2.04 and 2.76.

Any and all feedback is welcome. Even if you have nothing but positive things to say. We want to know if something is working or not. Please send all comments to us via e-mail (beta@setiathome.berkeley.edu), but keep in mind we may not be able to respond immediately.

And now, the moment you've been waiting for.. The new clients!

Windows 2.76 client
Mac 2.76 client
Solaris 2.76 client

(older versions)

SCO Sys V5 Unixware 7 2.74 client
SCO 3.2v5.0.x 2.74 client
PC Linux GNU GNUlibc 2.1 2.74 client