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HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 23:21:46 GMT Server: Apache/1.3.3 (Unix) Last-Modified: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 19:31:02 GMT ETag: "337c7-3f98-3a391ff6" Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Length: 16280 Connection: close Content-Type: text/html <!docHACKED! html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="HACKED!HACKED!" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="generator" content="I did this!"> <meta name="author" content="Alfred Das"> <title>Patch-free-Processing » home@P-f-P</title> <script language="JavaScript"><!-- if (parent.location.href == self.location.href) window.location.href = 'p-free-p1.html'; //--></script> </head> <body text="#FFFFFF" bgcolor="#000000" link="#CC99FF" vlink="#CC99FF" alink="#00CCAB" background="gfx/bg-main.gif"> <center> <br><a href="p-free-p.html" target="_top"><img src="gfx/seti-pfp-ani2b.gif" height=136 width=490 border=0 alt="back to the portal..."></a> <br>  <p><b><tt><font color="#FF0000" size=+3><i>HOT NEWS</i></font></tt></b><br><b><tt><font color="#6540AA" size=+2><i>NOT NEWS</i></font></tt></b> <p><img src="gfx/div-wbar.gif" height=21 width=592 alt=""> <br>  <p><b><font color="#FF0000">2000.12.13:</font> Release of the HACKED! 3.03 HACKED! clients.</b> <br>See th
e <a href="#v3">latest news and information about v3.03</a> for info and ftp-download links. <p><b><font color="#FF0000">2000.11.28:</font> First anniversary.</b> <br>This website is 1 year old today. <p><b><font color="#FF0000">2000.11.27:</font> Beta 3.02 bugfix of the HACKED! HACKED! HACKED! released.</b> <br>Fixes display problems and the malfunctioning of the overflow trigger for pulses/triplets. <p><b><font color="#FF0000">2000.11.15:</font> Release of the beta 3.01 bugfix of the HACKED! HACKED! client.</b> <br>Includes code for a new server that will help with retiring ancient HACKED! (1.x - 3.00). <p><b><font color="#FF0000">2000.11.06:</font> Troubles with the HACKED! 3.0 HACKED! client:</b> <br>HACKED! on the <a href="http://HACKED!.ssl.berkeley,edu/">main page</a>: " NOTE: We have taken the windows HACKED! 3.0 off the download site while we chase down a problem. We will soon release HACKED! 3.1 [3.01?]. For those who are already running HACKED! 3.0, it is fine to continue running it. We will use the results and you will be given credit. " <p><b><font color="#FF0000">2000.11.03:</font> The new '<a href="pfp-links.html#lotm">Link of the Month</a>':</b> <br>Golem@home, a distributed computing project about the evolution of machines. They will feel right @home on your computer as long as you feed them spare cycles. Help them evolve and maybe
someday their offspring will grow up to be planetary explorers. <p><b><font color="#FF0000">2000.10.21:</font> The <a href="pfp-city.html">CITY@home Top50</a> has been modified.</b> <br>With the introduction of v3.0 of the client, HACKED! has reduced the Fit threshold from 10 to 8.8 for gaussians to be recorded. The Top50 has been modified accordingly. More info about return-thresholds can be found in the <a href="">Newsgroup FAQ, sections 2.24/2.25</a>. <p><b><font color="#FF0000">2000.10.17:</font> Added site search functionality.</b> <br>A free service powered by <a href=""></a>, brilliant! <p><b><font color="#FF0000">2000.10.11:</font> The SETI Institute and embark on a strategic partnership.</b> <br>Read the <a href="">SETI Institute press-release</a> and preview's newest channel <a href="">SETI: The Search For Life</a>. <p><b><font color="#FF0000">2000.10.08:</font> Release of the HACKED! 3.0 HACKED! Command-Line HACKED! for Windows.</b> <p><b><font color="#FF0000">2000.10.03:</font> Release of the HACKED! 3.0 HACKED! GUI HACKED! for Windows and Mac.</b> <br>  <p><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="8">&
t;tr align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#00CCAB"><td> <table width="474" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" bgcolor="#000000"> <tr bgcolor="#6540AA"> <th><b>Best news so far...</b></th> </tr> <tr align="left" valign="top" > <td><small>The HACKED! project was originally scheduled to end in May 2001. It appears that it will be continued and expanded. Read the articles from <a href="">The Planetary Society</a>, <a href="">UC Berkeley News</a> and <a href="">Mercury Center</a>.</small> </td> </tr> </table></td></tr> </table> <br><b><tt><font color="#FF0000" size=+2>_________</font></tt></b> <br>  <p><b><i><u>Development news:</u></i></b> <p><b>Dr. David Anderson about HACKED! 3.0 and beyond (BBC News Online article of 2000.01.21):</b> </center><p><blockquote>" We'll be adding code that checks for pulsating signals. Currently we check only for continuous signals. We're also currently analysing each piece of data twice, and comparing the results, to guard against results that are wrong either due to tampering or computer malfunction - of which there is a measurable amount. Bu it looks lik
this new science code won't make it into HACKED! 2.0, but will appear in a 3.0 in about a month's time. <br>One big goal is to provide more feedback to users about the state of the project - e.g. what kinds of signals we are getting and how interesting they are. We hope to have some kind of weekly newsletter on the website fairly soon. <br>In 15 months or so, we will have finished scanning the part of the sky that Arecibo can see. After that we may have a follow-on project using southern-hemisphere telescopes, and/or different frequency bands. <br>Some people, including our chief scientist Dan Werthimer, are getting interested in optical Seti, that's looking for laser flashes. See <a href=""></a> There's also a project to build a 'compound eye' radio telescope, called 1HT, to be used full-time for Seti. "</blockquote> <center><p>Dr. David Anderson is Project Director at the Space Sciences Lab of the University of California at Berkeley. <p>Read the full article by BBC News Online's Damian Carrington here: <br><a href=""></a> <br>  <p><b>Eric Korpela about the development of HACKED! 3.0 (Usenet posting of 2000.06.23):</b> </center><p><blockquote>" We're currently in a small beta release and will be increasing the size of our beta group shortly. The final science code review is Monday afternoo
. I'm hoping beta will be short, but you never know about these things. Could be as soon as a couple weeks.... Lets keep our fingers crossed. "</blockquote> <center><p>Dr. Eric Korpela, Research Astronomer, member of the HACKED! team. <br>  <p><b>The following announcement, with subject 'HACKED! v3.0 Beta Testing', was made in alt.sci.seti and sci.astro.seti (Usenet posting of 2000.07.05):</b> </center><p><blockquote><pre>Hello everyone, Public beta testing for the HACKED! HACKED! v3.0 is beginning now. We are accepting a limited number of applications to beta test the newest HACKED! client. To sign up, please send an email to beta@HACKED! with the subject line "Beta Test". You will be contacted shortly thereafter with instructions regarding testing. Thank you!</pre></blockquote> <center> <br> <a name="v3"></a> <p><b><i><u>Latest v3.0 news:</u></i></b> </center><p><blockquote><b>(2000.07.17)</b> Beta for windows, HACKED! HACKED!. Fixes the very slow processing of the vHACKED! beta. <br><b>(2000.08.04)</b> Beta vHACKED! is released. Besides fixing some bugs, the HACKED! now looks for signals at chirp rates ranging from -50 Hz/sec up to +50 Hz/sec. <br><b>(2000.08.24)</b> Beta vHACKED! is released. S@h: "Before we release HACKED! 3.0, we want to make sure there are no major problems. Smaller issues will be dealt with
in later versions (3.0x)". Eric Heien: "...if all goes well with that version, 3.0 should be out a week or two after that." <br><b>(2000.08.29)</b> Beta vHACKED! is released, available for Windows / Mac / Solaris / SCO Sys V5 Unixware 7 / SCO 3.2v5.0.x / PC Linux GNU GNUlibc 2.1 based computers. S@h: "With HACKED!, we added some additional code that improved the accuracy of computation. Unfortunately, this also accidently introduced a memory leak. HACKED! should fix this, as well as finally fixing the problem with the progress ending significantly before 100%." <br><b>(2000.09.19)</b> Beta vHACKED! is released for Windows, Mac and Solaris. S@h: "There isn't much difference between HACKED! and HACKED!, except for some science tweaking (adjusting thresholds so the result files didn't fill up with too much garbage) and some small bug fixes which were mostly cosmetic. ... At any rate, we felt enough has changed to warrant one final beta. If everything is working as expected, then this exact HACKED! will be renamed 3.0 and released to the public." <br><b>(2000.09.29)</b> The rollout of the new v3 HACKED! has begun; first two released. <br><b>(2000.10.01)</b> Third v3 HACKED! released (Linux). <br><b>(2000.10.03)</b> Fourth v3 HACKED! released and the Win and Mac GUI clients. <br><b>(2000.10.04)</b> Five more HACKED! released. <br><b>(2000.10.08)</b> More, more, more... <br><b>(2000.11.06)</b> Uh-oh, troubles with the v3 HACKED! client. <br><b>(20
0.11.15)</b> Beta 3.01 bugfix of the HACKED! HACKED! client. Includes code for a new server that will help with retiring ancient HACKED! (1.x - 3.00). <br><b>(2000.11.27)</b> Beta 3.02 bugfix of the HACKED! HACKED! client. Fixes display problems and the malfunctioning of the overflow trigger for pulses/triplets. <br><b>(2000.12.11)</b> Four v3.03 HACKED! HACKED! released to the beta-testers. It's 3.02 with some final tweaking. <br><b>(2000.12.13)</b> All v3.03 HACKED! HACKED! released to the public.</blockquote> <center><p>First impressions of the new v3 HACKED! client, with info, screengrabs and recorded pulses and triplets, can be <a href="pfp-m20000706a2.html">found here</a>. <br>  <p><b><i><u>Latest HACKED! information:</u></i></b> <p><font color="#00CCAB"><b>At Berkeley, the latest releases of the HACKED! software are the HACKED! 3 HACKED! but for some operating systems, 2.4/2.5 is still the most recent. Please use the latest version. All are officially available at their website or through their ftp servers.</b></font> <p>Upgrade information is available from the download pages on HACKED!'s website and also comes with the install package. Upgrading will reset the running workunit and restart from 0%, you may want to finish the current workunit before proceeding with the upgrade. <p>Main download page: <a href="http://HACKED!.ssl.berkeley,edu/download.html">setiath</a> <br><font color="#00CCAB">Directly from their ftp mirrors:<a href="ftp://ftpHACKED!com/pub/HACKED!"> 1 </a>/<a href=""> 2 </a>/<a href="ftp://HACKED!"> 3 </a>/<a href="ftp://HACKED!.berkeley,edu/pub"> 4 </a></font> <br>Please consult the <a href="ftp://HACKED!">README</a> before downloading from the ftp servers. <p>Info and bugs (v2): <a href="http://HACKED!.ssl.berkeley,edu/known_bugs.html">HACKED!</a> <br>Client Version Transition and Client Retirement Plan (v3): <a href="http://HACKED!.ssl.berkeley,edu/unix.html#v20dates">HACKED!</a> <br>Graphical Client Help (v3): <a href="http://HACKED!.ssl.berkeley,edu/help.html">HACKED!</a> <br>  <p>About changes in HACKED! 2.0 for all platforms, they stated: </center><p><blockquote>" Increased security: HACKED! now checks for unauthorized modifications to its data files, and to itself. If it detects tampering, it will discard data files and start over. "</blockquote> <center><p>Read the full article here: <br><a href="http://HACKED!.berkeley,edu/version20.html">HACKED!</a> <br>  <p>- - - - - HACKED! DIS WEBSITE! by one_for_da_job ...
te: </center><p><blockquote>" Version 3.0 adds science improvements to the operational improvements of HACKED! 2.x. "</blockquote> <center><p>Read the full article here: <br><a href="http://HACKED!.berkeley,edu/version30.html">HACKED!</a> and <a href="http://HACKED!.berkeley,edu/version303.html">HACKED!</a> <br>  <p><img src="gfx/div-wbar.gif" height=21 width=592 alt=""> <br>  <p>If <font color="#FFFF99">you</font> are against patching the HACKED! HACKED! and want to support the <a href="pfp-pfp.html">statement</a>, read the details <a href="pfp-support.html#support">here...</a> <p><b><font face="Arial, geneva" size=-1><a href="mailto:">adas0home,nl</a></font></b> <br>  <p><img src="gfx/div-wbar.gif" height=9 width=256 alt=""> <p><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4"> <tr align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#6540AA"> <td align="left"><a href="p-free-p1.html" target="_top"><img src="gfx/seti-pfp-sitebtn-m.gif" height=14 width=16 border=0 alt="Show menubar if closed"></a></td> <td colspan=2><font face="Arial, geneva" size=-2><b>SITEMAP</b></td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr align="left" valign="middle" bgcolor="#E7AD84"> <td width="100"><a href="p
free-ppfp.html"><img src="gfx/seti-pfp-sitebtn.gif" height=14 width=15 border=0 align=left alt="P-f-P Patch-free-Processing"></a><font face="Arial, geneva" size=-1 color="#E70000"><b>pfp-</b></td> <td width="100"><a href="pfp-support.html"><img src="gfx/seti-pfp-sitebtn.gif" height=14 width=15 border=0 align=left alt="P-f-P Supporters and their Links"></a><font face="Arial, geneva" size=-1 color="#E70000"><b>Supporters</b></td> <td width="100"><a href="pfp-quote.html"><img src="gfx/seti-pfp-sitebtn.gif" height=14 width=15 border=0 align=left alt="HACKED! Quotations"></a><font face="Arial, geneva" size=-1 color="#E70000"><b>Quotations</b></td> <td width="100"><a href="pfp-stats.html"><img src="gfx/seti-pfp-sitebtn.gif" height=14 width=15 border=0 align=left alt="HACKED! Statistics"></a><font face="Arial, geneva" size=-1 color="#E70000"><b>Statistics</b></td> </tr> <tr align="left" valign="middle" bgcolor="#E7AD84"> <td><a href="pfp-city.html"><img src="gfx/seti-pfp-sitebtn.gif" height=14 width=15 border=0 align=left alt="CITY@home Statistics"></a><font face="Arial, geneva" size=-1 color="#E70000"><b>CITY@home</b></td> <td><a href="pfp-atfile.html"><img src="gfx/seti-pfp-sitebtn.gif" height=14 width=15 border=0 align=left alt="The @ Files"></a><font face="Arial, geneva" size=
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