
I'm into P-P Patch-free-Processing


Welcome to all.

Where do you stand?

The patching issue remains unresolved. It will certainly remain so until the patchers
decide to identify their modified client and submit their code to the authors of
the original software for review. Even then it will remain highly controversial
as using a modified client is against the will of the SETI@home project team.

When you decided to participate in this science project, you agreed to the licence agreement:

SETI@home clearly states: "You may only use unmodified versions of SETI@home
obtained through authorized distributers to connect the SETI@home server."

The official SETI@home statement on patching stresses the above:

< OFFICIAL SETI@home statement>

UNAUTHORIZED PATCHES TO CLIENT: It has come to our attention that some
users are distributing unauthorized patches to the SETI@home client.
We cannot verify that these patches function properly and are virus free.
It is very important to the science of SETI@home that you
run only the unmodified SETI@home program.

</OFFICIAL SETI@home statement>

It seems to me that the above is absolutely clear. Now I ask you again.

Where do you stand?

You can demonstrate that you stand on the side of SETI@home by adding
a simple statement to your emails and/or newsgroup postings. The two
lines below may be used or any other similar statement of your choice.

Then it will be clear where you stand. Be loyal to the project.

Regards, Alfred Das.



Webpage by Alfred Das:

'This page represents my views on patching the SETI@home client.'

'Your views are always welcomed.'

adas @ home,nl


 ©19991128-30 - D@Snix