My books published by John Wiley & Sons:
Programming Principles in Computer Graphics, 1st Ed. 1986, 2nd Ed. 1992
C for Programmers, 1st Ed. 1986, 2nd Ed. 1991
Computer Graphics for the IBM PC, 1987
Programs and Data Structures in C, 1st Ed. 1987, 2nd Ed. 1992
Interactive 3D Computer Graphics, 1988
Graphics Programming in Turbo C, 1989
C++ for Programmers, 1st Ed. 1991, 2nd Ed. 1995, 3rd Ed. 2000
Windows Wisdom for C and C++ Programmers, 1993
Win3D Drawing in Three Dimensions, 1994 (software package, including a user manual of 90 pages)
Algorithms and Data Structures in C++, 1996
STL for C++ Programmers, 1997
Computer Graphics for Java Programmers, 1st Ed. 1998, 2nd Ed. (co-author Kang Zhang) 2007
Most of these books were translated into other languages, as shown below.
Programming Principles in Computer Graphics, 1986, 1992:
C for Programmers, 1986, 1991:
Computer Graphics for the IBM PC, 1987, 1992:
Programs and Data Structures in C, 1987, 1992:
Interactive 3D Computer Graphics, 1988:
Graphics Programming in Turbo C, 1989:
C++ for Programmers, 1991, 1995, 2000:
Windows Wisdom for C and C++ Programmers, 1993:
Win3D Drawing in Three Dimensions, 1994:
STL for C++ Programmers, 1997:
Computer Graphics for Java Programmers, 1998, 2007: