Our home in Bingelder (=Bingelrade, Limburg, Netherlands)

Januari 31, 2003:
Today it was made official: as of 13.00h this afternoon, this house is ours! The previous owner handed us the key, and when the notary was finished with his legal mumbo jumbo, we drove straight over. It was a wonderful feeling, coming in to that house and knowing it was ours.
We took some measurements, counted some square meters, and went to the DIY-shop for paints and other stuff.
We hadn't expected to be in the house this soon, so this was a streak of luck. We started at once with some work. Nicole did some cleaning, and Boi started with priming the brick wall in the living room. Tomorrow it gets a lick of paint.
Oh, and another surprise: the mailman dropped two cards. Elly, a friend from Maastricht, and Roy, a trainee at Boi's place of work, wished us luck with our new home. Thank you both!

<home>        february 1