Vastelaovend in ut Zuide
monday march 3, 2003: the trööte-konkours in Sittard
Today, monday, is the day of the traditional trööte-konkours in Sittard. All
Herremeniekes (=bands) from Sittard and surroundings come to the Markt
(=market-place) for the "battle of the bands". All is of course
tongue-in-cheek: everyone wins, no-one loses. The whole market-place is
crowded with spectators, merrily singing and dancing along. The weather
was beatiful, a nice sunny day. This added to the merriness, of course.
Like every year, the "battle" was concluded with a performance by "Trööt in de Gööt".
Hey, you came here by your own free will, don't you go complaining about broken tongues :-)
Click on a picture to see an enlargement.
