Vastelaovend in ut Zuide
tuesday march 4, 2003: the Zaate Herremeniekes-konkours in Mestreech (=Maastricht)
And tuesdays is the day of the Zaate Herremeniekes-konkours
(haphazard bands-contest). This has become the most fun day of the
entire Vastelaovend. It has become so popular that there's even bands
from Tilburg and further away that come over to "compete". This year
there was a total of 63 (!) bands in all.
This is even more fun than in Sittard. There 's a real jury, for
instance, and all Herremeniekes have to do a route across town. But
however good or bad they are, all get First Prize Cum Laude... And the
Jury's comments can be very harsh (see the last picture on this page).
All this happens under the watching eye of Ut Mooswief ("the grocers' wife"), the symbol of Vastelaovend in Mestreech.
A few moments before midnight, at the very same spot, the ending of
Vastelaovend starts. Again all Herremeniekes show up, to honk along
with local greats Beppie Kraft and Frans Theunisz. After that the
Prince Carnival (cf. "Rex" at Mardi Gras) ceremonially gives up his
symbols of power (his jesters stick and his jokers hat). At midnight
precisely Ut Mooswief, with one trumpet and thousands of voices singing
the Maasticht Anthem, is "arrested". Many a tear rolls at that
Click on a picture to see an enlargement.

In the above picture, in the background, you can see the Jury
holding up plaques with their comment. It's a bit out of focus, here's
some of it:
"Kepot devaan", "Oet m'n daak", "Um te puune", "Nog 'ne kier", "Um te jenke", en "Kloete".
Translation: resp. "You kill me", "Through the roof", "I could kiss
you", "Again!", "Full of tears", and "You suck". Yes, it takes men to
take that ;-).