Vastelaovend in ut Zuide
saturday march 1 2003: the parade in Bingelder (=B ingelrade)
This was our first in Bingelder during Vastelaovend (we just live there one month now).
The parade in Bingelder hits the streets on saturday. Good! The rest of
the days we'll be elsewhere. Boi was born in Maastricht. He doesn't go
there anymore, except for maybe once or twice a year. But during
Vastelaovend it's different.
It was a nice parade, and even quite long considering the size of
Bingelder. The parade came by the pub, so we didn't even have to walk
very far (that white house on the right hand side of the second
picture? That's ours.).
Below are some pictures of the parade, click to enlarge.
