So What visits Fréjus International Kitefest 2003
Welcome to this account of our visit to The Fréjus International
Kitefest 2003, or, in French, le Festival International de l'Air 2003.
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The account below is quite short; we'd rather let the pictures do the
Guest of honour this year was The Netherlands. 35 Dutch kiters were
invited to come and show their kites to other kiters from all over
the world, and of course the public. With them was a group of 15
folklore-dancers, who did their show on the main platform several times
a day.
Among the group of Dutch kiters were Lood and Boi, representing So
We arrived late on friday evening, so we could be present at the
opening at saturday morning november 1st. Lodging, provided by the
organisation at a holiday park, was good and comfortable. Not that we
needed it much; it was two long days outdoors full of kite fun and
-lore, with three verrrry short nights ;-).
Saturday started off with very little wind. Not good, at least for us
with our quadline kites. So we started by assembling a lot of our
kites to show them to the public. In the meantime we scouted the
grounds (and the air, of course....) for other beautiful kites. There
were a lot of them around.
The afternoon had a little more wind, and we were able to show our
kites to the French sky.
Saturday evening a Gala-diner was arranged for all 350 kiters.
Great fun, and very nice French cuisine.
Sunday was a very fine day: lots of sun and wind. Very strange thing
though: around lunchtime the wind died down to near zero, and by
two o'clock it was back again; however it had turned 180 degrees!
People told us this is normal for this region. Hmmm, not what we would
call normal.... ;-)
No complaints from us, however. The wind was good, we had fun
kiting, and even got a slight sunburn. In between we enjoyed some of
the numerous shows by lots of the best kiters from all over the world.
The week before there were finals for all competition kiters, so all
champions were present to show the public their ballets in the air.
And the public had a lot to see: wonderful kites that filled the air,
beautiful ballets by the best of the best, and the oldest (77!) and the
youngest (3!).
Three of our favourite moments: the show by 77-year-old Ray Bethell,
doing a wonderful and absolutely perfect
ballet with three kites, on his own; seeing Les Simonnet's beautiful
kites in the air; and of course when European Champion Quad-line kites
Stephen Hoath joined us
to try our Fearsome Hawk SkyDancers. He had some very good tips, and
enjoyed the kites very much. Not bad for some hicks from Limburg,
Holland, eh? (Thanks T and A for introducing us; you know who you are).
It was a wonderful weekend, and we enjoyed it very much. There were
times when we felt like two kids in a toy store!
We hope you enjoy the pictures Lood and I made.

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