
On this page you'll find a collection of links to other sites. Some of them are used in the texts on this site, and are collected under the headers of those pages. Other links are to pages of some of our friends, or just sites we like very much.

So What Kites : my team of kiters, and the organisation of the So What Kite Fest.
The J.C.J. van Speijk kitefest , cold, wet, windy, but always great fun (sorry, dutch only).
Speels Sittard , shop for (mostly wooden) toys, but also kites and -materials.

New Orleans
Donna's Bar & Grill , home of Brass Bands and Injuns.
Mardi Gras Injuns , with a lot of info and pics on these beautifully clad people.
Anders Osborne , one of the musicians we saw in 2002.
Tipitina's , our favorite club in New Orleans.
Jo "Cool" Davis , Master of Ceremonies in Tipitina's, and a gifted singer himself.
Abita Beer , a local micro-brewery.
Louisiana Music Factory , New Orleans' best place for records. They also ship!
Kermit Ruffins , very good trumpet-player.
Dr John , our greatest favorite, often seen, but never in New Orleans.

Seti at home
Seti@home , the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence at home, in which Boi's PC takes part.
Seti Netherlands , Boi's team.

And a collection of some
Nice sites
Annabelle , beautiful in all it's simplicity, brings tears to your eyes....
Peter's Kite Site , the biggest, best, and nicest.

And to close, some
Friends' pages
Janneman , from whose pages come the most hits on ours, by way of his link to us.
Howard , one of the crunchers of Smoking Processors.
Jos , another Gentleman.
