Murphy, our parakeet

This is Murphy, our parakeet.


Murphy was born in june, 1999. It's a male Stanley Parakeet, Lin.: Platycercus Icterotis.
Stanleys are very gentle, loving birds. They originate from the south-west of Australia. They are perfect for keeping in home, because of their character, and because their "song" is not as shrill as most other parakeets'.

Murphy came to live with us when he was just six weeks old. That's because we wanted him to become tame. So the first couple of weeks we had to feed him regularly, every three hours. At first that made a total mess of the kitchen, because we had to force-feed him. But after a couple of days he learned to recognize the sound of us brewing his food in the kitchen, and started calling. By then, all that was necessary was to put him on the kitchen counter, and he would be gorging away at the syringe with food. When we were too slow he would urge us on. Those were lovely moments....

When he became older, he started to imitate some of the phrases we frequently used. He doesn't actually speak, but we recognize what he's "saying" all the same.
After we noticed that, we started to whistle short tunes frequently, and he started to pick them up too.

Nowadays, he gets to fly around most every day. Only in the kitchen and the bedroom, though, because these are the only rooms whithout plants. Murphy can wreak havock on plants.... He doesn't like to be alone, so he tends to follow us wherever we go.

Why did we call him Murphy, you may ask? Isn't Murphy's a brand of stout?
Yes, it is. Here's why: we used to have a guinea pig, by the name of Guinness Pig. Guinness to his friends. He was still with us when Murphy arrived, so we decided that Murphy was as good a name as any (especially because Boi preferres Murphy's to Guinness, but that's personal taste).
Guinness wasn't very happy with us. He was bored and lonesome, became fatter every day. So we decided to bring him to someone who breeds guinea pigs. And you know what? Guinness started working out with his new friends, and even became a father in his old days (he was three years old by then...). The best decision we ever made, besides getting married.

But this is Murphy's page, so let's show you some more pics of him. Before you scroll down, you need to know that Stanley Parakeets just looove to bathe. So does Murphy. He even sometimes follows us under the shower....
Below are some pics of Murphy taking a bath in the kitchen. Have a laugh! He did this show especially for you!

murphy in bad

murphy in bad 2

murphy in bad 3

murphy in bad 4
