My Seti@Home stats
As of february 20: 3324 and counting.....
Average CPU-time: 7h 30' and diminishing.....
All this done on respectively:
-50 crunches at 125h average on Pentium 100, with Windows 95;
-900 crunches at 13h 20' average on Pentium III Celeron 566 Mhz, with
dual boot Win2k Pro and SuSE Linux 7.2 thru 8.0 Pro;
-the rest at 3h 40' average on AMD Athlon XP 2200+, with SuSE Linux 8.0
PRO, 8.2 FTP, and 9.0 FTP respectively.
All crunches in Win-versions were in screensavers (not in use
anymore), all crunches in Linux are command line.
Together with a couple of friends I've joined a SETI-group, Seti@nl.
Inside that group we're a sub-group called Rokende Processoren (Smoking
Processors). Info on the individual members of that sub-group can be
found here.
you can find info about Seti@Home,
And here's my Seti@NL group (I'm Boi
Janssen), and my subgroup (we're Rokende Processoren).
