- Microsoft Homepage or Microsoft European Mirror site
Microsofts main homepage is a good starting point for all Microsoft sites (but they are not mentioned at all).
- Microsoft Products
Starting point for all Microsoft products.
- Microsoft hardware and driver development
- Help files, service Packs and other files
Point to the knowledge base which contains helpfiles, service packs, update packs etc.
- Microsoft online technical support
FAQ, HOWTO, BUGS, INFO, FIX, Knowledge Base and articles.
- Ask Maxell for Microsoft's technical support
- Microsoft Knowledge base Search
- Microsoft technet info
- Microsoft Developers site MSDN
Microsofts developers-related news (Become a free member of Microsoft Developers site)
- Microsoft Developers site (products)
- Microsoft Developers site (technologies)
- MS Interactive Developer
- Microsoft Insider (tips and tricks)
- Microsoft COM
Component Object Model (COM); software components in any language, usable by developers.
- Microsoft ODBC
Open Database Connectivity.
- Microsoft Visual Studio tools
Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual Interdev, Visual J++, Visual Foxpro
- Microsoft Visual C++
- Microsoft Visual Basic
- Microsoft Visual Foxpro
- Microsoft Visual InterDev
- Microsoft Visual J++
- Microsoft Visual SourceSafe
- Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
- Microsoft Windows 95
- Microsoft Windows 98
- Microsoft Windows (98) ME edition
- Windows add-ons, updates and trial software
- The Windows update site
- Windows Server update services make a local update site
- Microsoft scripting site VBscript, Jscript
- Microsoft Specs & Standards Microsoft Standards
- Microsoft Internet Explorer Site (incl. download)
- MS Internet Explorer Administration Kit
- Microsoft DirectX
- Microsoft Netmeeting
- Microsoft Security Essentials
- Microsoft Internet SDK
Microsoft's Internet SDK (including DHTML, XML, JScript, VBScript, Channels and CDF)
- Dynamic HTML and Scriptlets
Information about how to get started and using these tools. Visit the Scriptlet Gallery for examples.
- Microsoft's eBook reader
- Microsoft Autoroute
- Microsoft Commerce Server
- Microsoft NT workstation
- Microsoft NT Server support site
- Microsoft NT 4.0 Server
- Microsoft Backoffice Server (NT 4.0)
- Microsoft Windows 2000
- Microsoft Windows 2003
- Microsoft Windows XP
- Microsoft Windows Vista
- Microsoft Small business server
- Microsoft ISA server Internet Security and Acceleration Server