Falco's story chapter 2

3.jpg I have the feeling that I am left alone. Everyone is gone and it is dark. All the people went upstairs that is the last I have seen from them. I start screaming. Spike didn't liked that and she escaped also upstairs. Mmm.. Luckily there is the master again. What they blamed me for the yelling. I am innocent. I didn't do anything wrong. And again they all went upstairs. I am a bit sleepy so I will lay down in my shelter and I think after that I will start allover again.6.JPG (29080 bytes)

Before I was fully awake the two young masters already walking through the room. Before I was aware of that, they were already gone. I do not take that so I started again to peep/yell/bark or whatever.

Mistress was soon downstairs asking if someone was murdered. She want to take a shower so I had to wait a little bit se said. You already know me so i started again with making a lot of noise..8.JPG (28234 bytes)

Hurry, I am hungry. 

Cozy everyone is at home. What shall we go to do. Not to much spirit in this family. I do not read the papers, breakfast I already had so Spike is the victim.  Oeps, what a bad temper she has. Maybe se slept not that well this night.

011125-06 kopie.jpg (58070 bytes)I will take a nap on the couch. Master went to work. The boys have to go to school. Who is going to stay with me? I can start yelling, maybe they have forgotten me. It was not necessary to be anxious mistress is back. I am to young to stay alone it house. 

Next time maybe....

011125-02.jpg (45488 bytes)Today it was a lazy day. The only thing I had to do was walking with the mistress and Spike. That's easy I am really good it that. Everyone in the street already knows me. I am almost a VIP. 

Again in the car, but now it was already dark outside so that is a bit scary but if  keep my eyes wide open I can see a little bit. Mistress was singing! (sounds not bad). We went to the place where my mistress is working.  Lot of new things to discover, carpet on the floor, You can try to crawl it away, but that is not possible. 10.JPG (32608 bytes)I also now know what a cinema is. Large room where you can ran like hell. I must have felt in sleep, because suddenly I was back in the car again. Tomorrow My mistress had to work again and I can go with here. That is nice. I am not allowed to go in the kitchen. To bad because it smells there very good.....

011125-01.jpg (40761 bytes)Tomorrow Spike have to go to the dog hairdresser. It seems to be that I have to go there also. Not for the hairdresser but my mistress want to show me everywhere. I hope for Spike it is not to painful. Spike seems to like it. She is an other dog with longer hair. It is not necessary that I have to be washed and hair dressed. Now I go to sleep a little bit. Tomorrow I will see what happens next.  

I am exhausted. Quit some morning. Car in car out, then they locked me up in a large room. My mistress was so kind to bring my blanket to lay on. When I have to relieve nature and nobody to see around me I did it under the hall-stand. Maybe they don't find it. 

7.JPG (27379 bytes)After a while Mistress came back and together we went to discover all the big rooms there. Wow also the kitchen door was open. Unfortunately all the nice odors were gone and even the floor was clean. By the way a piece of elastic doesn't taste very well. More and more people came in that morning and they all loved me. All those new things and nice people make me fatigue. I could not stand any longer, Lucky for me Mistress had the same feeling and we went over to sit somewhere. I still fit on Mistress lap and with my had on the table it is very pleasant. Back at home Spike inspected me if everything was ok. I behaved me well so I am allowed to visit that place tomorrow again. Spike didn't mind at least that was what she said to me because she can sleep then quietly. Am I that hard? 

011125-08.jpg (45353 bytes)This afternoon again in the car. Spike to the hairdresser! I was worried but the result is nice. She looks much younger now with very short hair. She smells also very different. That smell rings a bell but I do not know exactly what it is.

Spike is even a little bit jolly. Everybody likes here now and she is very clean. I personally do not like water and soap, but every dog to his taste. 

011125-03.jpg (38757 bytes) November 27
You have to know this. I was walking with the mistress and I was not that alert. I just walked underneath an other dog. It was a Greyhound and we both were shocked. I did not know that a dog can be that high. They say that I will be also large dog. The greyhound was very friendly we have licked each noses and he was waggling with his tale. 011126-06.jpg (38530 bytes)

 The two big black Labradors on my mistress work stage were very wild. One was warned to be calm. He was very enthusiastic and wanted to play with me. But for very wild dogs I am a little bit to small. The female dog was very kindly. A true women. And those tales... I have almost a blue eye from them. When I am lying on my back even the wild male dog is calm. So we are now friends. I will probably see those dogs more. 

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