About tangrams
This colourful site demonstrates some of the possibilities of FrontDesigner technical drawing software. The old, Chinese tangram-puzzle-pieces, accompanied by seven other tangrams which have been distributed over Europe before World War 1, so until about the first decade of 1900, now each have their own colour and can be placed in virtual boxes as a gift. After constructing a tangram with the seven (or more) pieces, you can send them all over the world by e-mail to other people with this program. With the export function, you can make bitmaps, *.jpg or even *.emf pictures with a resolution of your choice between 20 to 600 dpi. A demo is also available to study the program yourself: you will find the website of Abacom for downloading the program in the colophon.
About Copytronics
Although this is one of my hobby-projects, I work as native speaker in the Netherlands for over 25 years as a free-lance editor for leading Dutch magazines and as a technical translator. I translate technical press-releases, manuals and even technical books from English and German language into Dutch language on electronics, chips, microprocessors, communications, industrial automation and electrical engineering. I can offer a very fast and modest priced translation service by e-mail worldwide and work for global, leading manufacturers and distributors of industrial computers and (sub)systems and international translation agencies with offices in Europe and abroad.
Kind regards,
Johan Smilde