Since May 2006 I work for Stork; to which company I was attracted due to a) its clear technical focus to ensure reliably equipment by providing a cooperative atmosphere, b) it’s pole position as a supplier of maintenance services and c) its attractive scope of work varying from services deep below the surface of the earth in the oil and gas industry to services at large heigths for the aerospace industry.


Stork is a company that is already more than 180 years of age and which has an extensive track-record with respect to the production and repair of capital intensive technical assets.

In June 2006 Stork has overtaken a Scottish company named IICorr, that has an extensive track-record in integrity management for offshore production. For this company I am involved in expanding the Benelux activities by supplying customer tailored services.

Due to IICorr’s offshore track record, a spin-off in supplying products and services for asset management of quay infrastructure and particularly steel wall constructions has arosen.

Key issues that are tackled, extend from the administrative process to managing the risk on Accelerated Low Water corrosion (ALWC).

IICorr offers an overall package of services for the whole lifecyle of an installation, from the design and installation of cathodic protection during the design phase until the development of an asset management approach during the exploitation phase as well as generating an inspection planning and supplying specific inspections.


Links to relevant info can be found below:

-          Riskmanagement in general:

-          Optimalisation of management systems and the maintenance organisation: 

-          The Questar suite of Risk based approaches for constructions and process installations: and

Specific for harbours:

-          Activities with respect to asset management:

-          Cathodic protection in harbours:

-          ALWC:

My activities specifically relate to harbour asset management and inspection management for the chemical industries within the Benelux area.

In general in all these cases a risk based approach will be used in order to achieve cost-efficiency.

For those situations in which there is too much uncertainty to make any reliable predictions, specific corrosion or crack monitoring tools can be supplied such as FSM-IT or Sens-It. Through the use of tools like these, operating windows can be assessed that prevent severe and often costly failures.

Questions? If you have any specific questions in this area please don’t hesitate to contact me.

You can find my business info below:

Thanks for your interest!

Geert Henk Wijnants

Senior Integrity Consultant 

iicorr Limited

a STORK®  company 

Burgemeester Verderlaan 13, 3544AD de Meern,
The Netherlands
' +31 (0)30- 6691864
7 +31 (0)251 - 6691785
È  +31 (0)6 1335 7246