Problem: not on object on left side Area: Javascript
In non framed versions of html code the following code doesn't really work:
Following code is working with an index from a selection (drop-down box)

function JumpTo() {
  i = document.forms[0].elements[0].selectedIndex;
  window.parent.frames['self'].location = document.forms[0].elements[0].options[i].value;
Called by: <input TYPE="Submit" NAME="Submit" VALUE="Let see" onClick="JumpTo()">

Code can be replace by:
function JumpTo(form) {
  window.location =
Called by: <:input TYPE="Submit" NAME="Submit" VALUE="Let see" onClick="JumpTo(this.form)">

Reason: Some browsers its javascript plugin are more checking for the right code
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When using background-attachment: fixed Area: HTML
background-attachment:fixed will lower your scroll rate
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Cannot see buttons in browser Area: HTML
Some browsers accept buttons only in forms.
Use <FORM>...</FORM>
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CD-Writer does not work properly with Windows XP Area: OS MS-Windows
Writer: Hewlett-Packard 8100
Download HP-DLA from HP
If CD-Writer software from WindowsXP is installed: Uninstall it
Install HP-DLA
If necessary rename the file CDR4VSD.sys to CDR4VSDxx.sys (for example) to get away from the announcement at startup
Format floppy 720K in WindowsXP Area: OS MS-WindowsXP
Solution: Use other software to format
Reason: MicroSoft has skipped this option
Shareware: Alkonost
Show Chineese characters in XP Area: OS MS-Windows
Solution: Search in Google to aruniupd.exe.
Install this to show mandarin chineese.
Converting 64 bit integers Area: OS All
For Linux there is a library stdtime.h
For Windows there is the structure FILETIME with functions for converting to SYSTEMTIME and to 16 bit MSDOS values (date and time)
Installing Tuxpaint on Redhat 8.0 Area: OS RH8.0
Problem with Redhat version 8.0 is that it will not install with the right library.
Use a RPM package with RH80 in it and it will install.
To uninstall and install use the command line (xterm) program rpm.
Citect Transparant IOdevices Area: Citect
Transparant IO devices cannot standard be used in Citect version 6.0.
Solution: Rename in the include project DBF files Transparant to Transparent where it is used for a color
Rename the Cicode files in the include project also the word Transparant to Transparent.
Cannot open USB key Area: OS Linux
Solution: Mount with root the USB key with the following line:
mount -t vfat /dev/sda /mnt/diskonkey
I have used a USB key from DiskOnKey (256 MB)
WindowsXP destroys MBR Area: OS Linux
When I tried to install WindowsXP on the disk with Redhat 8.0 installed, it will not install.
WindowsXP aims diskspace and Linux is using it as an ext3 partiotions.
But: WindowsXP writes unfortenately to the Master Boot Record.

Solution: When Grub installed
Log in as root
start a terminal session and type grub
type the following:
  • root (hd0,0)
  • setup (hd0)
  • quit
Reboot the system and the master boot record is refreshed
Cannot login as root from anothor machine Area: OS Linux
With MySQL I want to login with ODBC to the server with root

Use the querybrowser and go to the mysql database (schema)
Change into the table db the path for localhost to &perc;
Change into the table user the path for localhost to &perc;
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