"Fly-drive Mexico with a convertible" is what the advertisement in the newspaper said. This turned out to be a old style VW Beetle with the top chopped off.
From Cancun the trip went through the Yucatan peninsular in search for remains of the Maya culture.

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TV screen shows position of the airplane.

Pyramid of Kukulcan at Chichen Itza (1185-1400).

Chac-Mool, used for sacrifice

Caracol, the observatory.

Souvenir sellers in dress.

Hotel Residencial in Merida (US $20 per room).

Flamenco's at Celestun estuary.

Pyramid of the Magician at Uxmal (1000-1100).

Herbie poses along the road to Kabah.

Arrival at Campeche, Gulf of Mexico.

Royal palace at Palenque

Five kings in Marble.

Palenque: Temple of the Cross.

Waterfalls of Aqua Azul.

Iguana stands guard at Tulum (1300-1500)

El Castillo, from here the Maya people saw the arrival of the Spanish Conquistadores

The Hotel strip of Cancun.

The sun sets.


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