Download section

Latest release: version 2.00 (September 25, 2004)

The main program:

Netherlands:Download version 2.00
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Data files

Press Shift and click on a file for download.

Dutch.datStandard file with Dutch verses: 'Dutch.dat'. Version of 06-22-2001
nl_rom.datVerses from the book of Roman. Version of 12-08-2001

English.datStandard file with English verses: 'English.dat'. Version of 04-09-2001
en_math5-7.datVerses from the Sermon on the Mount. Version of 12-10-2001
en_math5-7(quiz).datVerses from the Sermon on the Mount (quiz version, just try it!). Version of 12-10-2001

French.datStandard file with French verses: 'French.dat'. Version of 08-27-2001

Norwegian.datStandard file with Norwegian verses: 'Norwegian.dat'. Released on 26-09-2006

Swedish.datStandard file with Swedish verses: 'Swedish.dat'. Released on 01-11-2002

Language files

Press Shift and click on a file for download. Put the file in your BibleWord directory. Start BibleWord. Go to the options panel and select the language.

Swedish.lngSwedish language file for version 1.50

E-mailIf you have made data-files for BibleWord that you would like to share, please mail them to

Last updated: September 26, 2006