On this page of Koos Outshoorn are the Genealogy "LINKS"

To the ancestor list of 'Koos Outshoorn'

To the ancestor list of 'Anneke van Beek'

To the ancestor list of 'Kids Outshoorn'

Click below if you want to know more about the Valstar family
[Valstar Name 1690]

To the Dutch Central Bureau of Genealogy

The official site of "Brother's Keeper (BK)"
[Brother's Keeper]

Archiefnet : View of Dutch Genealogy archives

Searching in de database of the Mormons

A lot of Genealogy links [my links "van Beek", "Outshoorn" en "Valstar" are in "Familienamen"]

Links to other Genealogists

"Gonnie van der Wal & Patrick Wieskamp" [the link is family Lamers]

Back to "Fam. Outshoorn Homepage"

If one of these "Links" isn't working anymore, please let me know______MAIL ME