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Information Software
Application form for the English selection criteria for
Information Storage and Retrieval Software

You agree with the Open Source principle by sending this request.
You can get these criteria for free and use it as you want.
The only thing we want you to do is to send us your comments and add-on criteria.
The criteria-committee will use it to complete the criteria.
For your help we thank you in advance.

Pay attention to your e-mail address before sending this mailform. We lost to much time with false e-mail adressess. We can only send the criteria to good working e-mail adressess. Therefore we might first send you a reply. Please reply on this e-mail to validate your e-mail address and after that we will send you the criteria.
Use your business or school or trainingsinstitute e-mail adress.Don't use free e-mail adresses like hotmail, gmail and yahoo.Due to bad responses on these e-mail addresses we give them a very low priority.

Mrs. first name
Insertion (e.g. the) surname
Name Organization
E-Mail, check this please