Joop Nijenhuis©

waving flag with Dutch colours - wapperende Nederlandse vlag waving flag with Dutch colours - wapperende Nederlandse vlag Homepage logo Homepage logo Database conversion the easy way  

Convert your databases quickly and easily with 3Base, the most versatile conversion program for the Series 3(all versions) ever. Running under Microsoft Windows 3Base handles all popular database formats. It can convert between the following formats:
Conversion screen (Dutch)
  • dBaseIII
  • dBaseIV
  • FoxPro
  • Windows Card files
  • HP 95LX
  • User defined format!
  • Series 3 database files
  • Series 3a database files
  • Psion ODB
  • TEXT
  • SDF
  • CSV

Extensive help has been built into the program. 3Base was developed for Windows 3.1, but it should run fine under Windows'95, Windows NT etc.

Originally it came with an installer, but to keep the size of the file for download to a minimum the distribution files are cut down to only what's necessary. The program was available in Dutch, English, French, German and Italian. At the time I only downloaded the Dutch and English versions from the Palmtop BV Freeware site. Unfortunately the site and Palmtop aren't there anymore and downloading the zipfiles becomes more and more difficult. I can only offer you what I did download before;

Download iconPlease select language version
Dutch 3base_nl.zip
English 3base_uk.zip

Download the version of your choice.
Put the zip file in a directory, eg. c:\3base and unzip the file.
Read the README.TXT file for installation instructions.

Note: 3Base requires VBRUN300.DLL.
You can find it in the Windows System directory, which is probably \windows\system or \winnt\system. See to it that vbrun300.dll is "installed". You can place it either in your Windows System directory or in the 3Base directory.

Please note that Palmtop BV did put the application into the public domain "as is".
Feedback and comments can not be given anymore because Palmtop BV isn't there anymore!

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Revised on 17 March 2012