SI Prefixes Table
Example: 1 TW=1000 GW (W=Watt)
Symbol |
Prefix |
Factor |
Y |
Yotta |
1024 |
Z |
Zetta |
1021 |
E |
Exa |
1018 |
P |
peta |
1015 |
T |
tera |
1012 |
G |
giga |
109 |
M |
Mega |
106 |
k |
kilo |
103 |
h |
hecto |
102 |
da |
deca |
101 |
d |
deci |
10-1 |
c |
centi |
10-2 |
m |
milli |
10-3 |
µ u |
micro |
10-6 |
n |
nano |
10-9 |
p |
pico |
10-12 |
f |
femto |
10-15 |
a |
atto |
10-18 |
z |
zepto |
10-21 |
y |
yokto |
10-24 |
Note: In the computer world things are a bit different:
Symbol |
Prefix |
Factor |
Factor |
P |
peta |
250 |
1125899906842624 |
T |
tera |
240 |
1099511627776 |
G |
giga |
230 |
1073741824 |
M |
Mega |
220 |
1048576 |
k |
kilo |
210 |
1024 |
There is also the prefixes adopted by IEC in order to cope with the digital world. These are not widely used (yet).
Symbol |
Prefix |
Factor |
Factor |
Ei |
exbi |
260 |
1152921504606846976 |
Pi |
pebi |
250 |
1125899906842624 |
Ti |
tebi |
240 |
1099511627776 |
Gi |
gibi |
230 |
1073741824 |
Mi |
mebi |
220 |
1048576 |
Ki |
kibi |
210 |
1024 |
Source: |
Farnell Components Catalogue
Copyright © The Hardware Book Team 1996-2004.
May be copied and redistributed, partially or in whole, as appropriate.
Document last modified: 2002-01-13