c fortran GraphApp Dialog test parameter(YES=1,NO=0,CANCEL=-1) character *25 name integer * 1 result c declarations of GraphApp functions integer * 1 ask_yes_no_cancel,ask_ok_cancel logical * 1 ask_yes_no logical * 1 ask_string,ask_file_open,ask_file_save c the logical can be c init GraphApp call graph_start() write(6,*)'GraphApp Is started' c this examples comes from the tutorial\dialog.htm call ask_ok('Information','Just testing') if(ask_string('Question', 1 'What is your name ?','Type it here',name))then write(6,*)'You canceled the question !' else write(6,*)'Hello ',name end if res = ask_ok_cancel('Question','Destroy the world') if (res.eq.YES) then write(6,*)'Destroying the world......' else write(6,*)"I'll destroy the world later." end if if(ask_yes_no('Question','Would you like to play a game ?'))then write(6,*)'All right' else write(6,*)'Boring person.' end if result = ask_yes_no_cancel('Question', 1 'Would you like to play Thermonuclear War ?') if (result.eq.YES)then write(6,*)'Boom' elseif(result.eq.NO)then write(6,*)'How about chess ?' else write(6,*)'Cancelled .' end if c file dialog's if(ask_file_open('File Open','Open','*.f',name))then write(6,*)"Cancel !" else write(6,*)'Path and file name = ',name end if if(ask_file_save('File Save','Save','.',name))then write(6,*)"Cancel !" else write(6,*)'Path and file name = ',name end if c end's and cleanup call graph_stop() end