(Version dd 09-08-05, M.S.Ter Haseborg)
Undoubtedly it works for several Linux version but I toke the Puppy implementation. This because I feel well in the philosophy of the designs (small are buetifull). It contains those things that you use daily such as spreadsheet, wordproccessor and still much more joke's . It includes much more possibly necessary and still more unnecessary applications .
[ menu ] menuitem=windows, Windows menuitem=linuxs, Linux's menucolor=7,0 menudefault=windows, 10 [ windows ] DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\HIMEM. sys DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\EMM386.EXE device=c:\windows\command\ansi.sys shell=c:\command.com c: \ / p/E:1024 [ linuxs ] install=c:\boot\grub\grub.exe
If you have this done you must do dubbleclick on w32grub.exe.C:\boot\stage1="Puppy
Have you XP with a drive which Fat32 filesystem, put then pup001 there !.default 1 timeout 60 # Sample boot menu configuration file # # boot automatically after a minute. # By default, boot the second entry. # Fallback to the first entry. fallback 0 title Windows 98 unhide (hd0,0) rootnoverify (hd0,0) chainloader + 1 # instalation in a subfile system title Puppy (win98) root (hd0,0) kernel/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0 PFILE=pup001 initrd/boot/image.gz
Hoera it has succeeded you!
The complete directory remove \boot and the files pup001 and usr_cram.fs and remove also the additives in config.sys (windows 98) or boot.ini (windows XP).
"clean you art teethings" are.
- GCC (c) and G77 (Fortran) compiler for Puppy. Here three files are necessary: The files must put you under / root/my-applications/
- Basic with graphische possibilities X11-Basic . These Basic exist also for windows98/XP.
- Portable Euphoria (PEU) peu . The file must put you under / root/my-applications/
This version has the executeble for Linux, is however also translatable for DOS and Windos95/XP.- View Your Mind , look here to an example . Here you can obtain the progamma VYM for Puppy.