Linux to Windows 98/XP


(Version dd 09-08-05, M.S.Ter Haseborg)


Such as many with me, I waited a long time to install Linux. The stories about what to do or not to do and especially all what could go wrong has hold me back for a long time . But recently I came two Article against of drj and of bladehunter which me gave the impression that it must very simple .

Undoubtedly it works for several Linux version but I toke the Puppy implementation. This because I feel well in the philosophy of the designs (small are buetifull). It contains those things that you use daily such as spreadsheet, wordproccessor and still much more joke's . It includes much more possibly necessary and still more unnecessary applications .

What necessary

You need 2 files. Those can find you on the PUPGCC side.
To know and , puts these on your c:\ . (What the other things are , I will tel you later about it.)
Exstract with WinZip or something like thatt , both files in c:\ (and nowhere else !). You have in c:\ a file pup001 of approximately 250 Mb and directory \boot and a file usr_cram.fs . Now you must choose which system you have a win 98 or xp.

Windows 98

You must to your config.sys a menu add so that grub-loader are started.
[ menu ] menuitem=windows, Windows
menuitem=linuxs, Linux's
menudefault=windows, 10 [ windows ] DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\HIMEM. sys 
DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\EMM386.EXE device=c:\windows\command\ansi.sys 
shell=c:\ c: \ / p/E:1024

[ linuxs ] install=c:\boot\grub\grub.exe

Windows XP

You must add now a task to your boot.ini stand in c:\ . Can be that those readonly stand. With rightmousebottum and properties you can change it .
If you have this done you must do dubbleclick on w32grub.exe.

The Grub menu

In the directory (folder) C:\boot\grub stand a file menu.lst . This is the alternative boot menu (for both W98 and XP).
default 1 
timeout 60 
# Sample boot menu configuration file 
# boot automatically after a minute. 
# By default, boot the second entry. 
# Fallback to the first entry. 
fallback 0
title Windows 98 
unhide (hd0,0) 
rootnoverify (hd0,0) 
chainloader + 1
# instalation in a subfile system
title Puppy (win98) 
root (hd0,0) 
kernel/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0 PFILE=pup001 

Have you XP with a drive which Fat32 filesystem, put then pup001 there !.

And then

Restart your machine! (As no longer works it is not my debt!)
You now get a menu with two items. Molar the item Linux . Molar then Puppy (win98) . Then a kilometre text concerning your display device will fly what finished in a blade with a bird.

Hoera it has succeeded you!

To remove

This is simple.

The complete directory remove \boot and the files pup001 and usr_cram.fs and remove also the additives in config.sys (windows 98) or boot.ini (windows XP).

"clean you art teethings" are.
