September 2001 my wife and I visited one off the best approachable active volcanoes of the world : Italy's Stromboli. A small island in the Mediterranean Sea 55 km from the Sicilian coast. After a 3 hour climb we reached Pizzo Sopra La Fossa : the top of the volcano at 924m. The weather was excellent resulting in very good conditions to observe and photograph the almost continuous but gently erupting volcano. Unfortunately the guide left us little time and  we had to leave just after one hour at the top. Disappointed to leave such a spectacular view and with only one exposed roll of film we started the decent. Later when we got home we learned that a massive explosion had occurred at the top which blasted pyroclastics several hundreds of meters up in the air. Unfortunately a German lady got hit and later died from severe head injuries. This happened just several days after we had left Stromboli. Some nice photo's but not without risk....




All images on this site are copyright ŠPatrick Koster and can not be used without permission.
This site was last updated 23-Oct-2004