Version History

v1.04 ( Nov 12, 2004 )


Added the GetAssociatedProgram method.


Added the GetIcon, GetAssociatedIcon and GetAssociatedIconKey methods.


Added the NewListView and NewListViewFileItem methods for the ListView control.


Added the NewImageList and NewImageListPicture methods for the ImageList control.


Added the CommonDialog method/control. This control is included in ComDlg32.ocx, v6.0 or higher, which must be present in your Windows\System[32] directory.


Added the NewUpDown method. The UpDown control is included in MsComCt2.ocx, v6.0 or higher, which must be present in your Windows\System[32] directory.


Added the CaptionEx property to modify a form's caption. You should use the CaptionEx property instead of the Caption property if you also want to manipulate either the TaskBar, CloseBox or MinBox properties. Using the standard Caption property would reset these style properties to their original states otherwise.


Added the MinBox property to forms. Because it turned out that any change to one of the Windows style properties resets the other style properties to their original states, the TaskBar and CloseBox properties had to be modified subsequently to reinstate the correct Windows style each time they are called.


The NewProgressBar method now defaults to the Min property if the (optional) Value parameter is either not specified or is outside the range of the Min-Max properties.


Modified the Autosize method to use the height of the Windows non-client area (instead of a fixed number of Twips) to calculate the correct height under WinXP.


Added support for function keys F1 - F12 (requires CallBack mode)


Within a DirListBox control, the Enter key now behaves like a double-click. A single click, the arrow keys and the Home, End, Page-Up and Page-Down keys now also raise a change event, allowing you to synchronise the contents of a FileListBox control when any of these events occur.


For the Slider control, the Change event will now be handled instead of the Click and the KeyUp events because these did not handle all methods with which a Slider can be moved. Please note that the Change event fires more often (also while moving the slider) than the Click and KeyUp events.

v1.03 ( Jan 12, 2003 )


Modified the Autosize method to handle odd positional values returned by controls placed on the Tabs control. Controls (or containers) within a container are now ignored when calculating the leftmost, topmost positions et cetera. The positional values of the (outermost) container are now use instead.


Added the Tabs control.


Added the DriveListBox, DirListBox and FileListBox controls.

v1.02 ( Nov 04, 2002 )


Added the MaskedEditBox control.


Added the MultiLineTextBox control. This is just a TextBox with the MultiLine property set to True. Because the multiline property of a TextBox cannot be set at runtime, a separate MultiLineTextBox control had to be added.


Added the NewTimerInterval function to change a timer's interval.


Changed the style of CommandButtons from Standard to Graphical, so they can now also display custom pictures in addition to text.


Added the LoadPic function which can be used to assign pictures to the Picture, Icon or MouseIcon properties of various controls (note: although WSH2 now also includes a LoadPicture function, if fails to load pictures from read-only files)


When the default form was shown before the NewForm method was used to initialize it properly, all the control array elements were visible. Their Visible property has now been set to False by default, so when the default form is shown before it is created/initalized it will now be empty.

v1.01 ( Jun 09, 2001 )


Controlnames starting with an asterisk are not allowed anymore. These names are now reserved for special events, like clicking the CloseBox or Activation of a form.


When the Closebox (or ALT+F4) is used to close a form, the user's ClickHandler procedure is now called with "*CLOSE" as controlname instead of an empty string.


CallBack implemented for the Activate event of a form. This allows you to do some initialization when the form is activated (shown). The user's ClickHandler procedure will be called with the string "*ACTIVATE" as controlname.


Added the StayOnTop property to keep a form in front of all other windows.


Modified the CloseBox property to make a change take effect immediately.


Fixed a huge bug that would close a simple form (without callback) after any event.
Simple forms will be closed only after a commandbutton or the closebox is clicked.


Changed the type of the NewOptionButton parameter bValue into boolean.


The TabIndex will now be reset when clearing a form.


Removed the optional Orientation parameter from the NewSlider method


The NewSlider and NewProgressBar methods now set their initial value correctly (after setting the Min and Max properties instead of before).


The Day, Month, Year parameters of the NewCalendar method are now optional and default to the current systemdate.


Callback implemented for the AfterUpdate event of the Calendar control.


Form names won't be automatically converted to uppercase anymore.

v1.00 ( Mar 28, 2001 )


Callback implemented for the Click event of the Checkbox, Listbox, DropDown, Image, Listbox, OptionButton and Slider controls.


Callback implemented for the KeyUp event of the Slider control when using the arrow keys (either alone or combined with Shift or Ctrl).


Changed the ProgID to WshDialog.Kit.


Renamed the BtnClickHandler event handler into the more generic ClickHandler and the BtnClicked property into Clicked.

v0.96 ( Mar 26, 2001 )


Added the GetOptionButton method to return the name of the selected optionbutton within a specified container (usually a frame).


Added the ClearForms method to clear all forms at once.


Modified the Clear method, so it will not trigger a callback anymore.


Fixed the Clear method (must use Unload for controls instead of Remove).


Added the CloseBox property to enable or disable the closebox and control menu.


Instead of directly hiding the form, clicking the closebox will now also callback to the BtnClickHandler (if enabled) passing an empty string as the button name.


Fixed a bug when accessing a timer control by name (for a timer, the tag property used to store the name also holds additional information).

v0.95 ( Mar 23, 2001 )


Major redesign to support multiple simultaneous forms.

v0.94 ( Mar 20, 2001 )


Added the ProgressBar, Slider and Calendar controls.


Improved the timer control to handle intervals above 65535 milliseconds.


Added the Callback property to enable or disable callback to the user's code.


Added the DLL() function to expose the App object

v0.93 ( Mar 15, 2001 )


Added the timer control.

v0.92 ( Mar 14, 2001 )


Implemented callback to a BtnClickHandler event handling routine.

v0.91 ( Mar 12, 2001 )

Changed the approach for adding controls to the form (instead of the Add method of the Controls collection, I now use control arrays and the Load statement to add elements).

Using control arrays has several advantages:


The Click event of the entire Commandbutton array can be handled by a single routine and the number of buttons is now unlimited


The Add method can only create standard controls with standard properties.
Using control arrays, we can also support non-standard properties by putting a modified version of such a control on the form.

A disadvantage is that the controls themselves cannot be named anymore, so the Tag property is now used to store the userdefined control names


Added a dropdownlist combobox in addition to the dropdowncombo control.


Included standard windows icons (critical, question, exclamation and information).


Added the Taskbar property to show the dialog in the task bar.


Images will now be stretched if either width or height is greater than 0.

v0.90 ( Mar 09, 2001 )


Initial version.