English Nederlands

About Ruud

Mee mee!
Name Ruud Helderman
Nicknames Herr Rudi, Rudi Carell, Ruudje, Rude, Rude Boy, Rude Dude, Rudester, Beaker, Mr. Brightman, Wazigvrouw ('fuzzy woman', yeah sure), Mr. EDI, to name just a few.
Gender Male
Height 1.90 m (that's about... 6 foot and almost 3 inches)
Weight 70 kg (don't ask me what that is in pounds...)
Born March 18, 1967 in Berkel en Rodenrijs, The Netherlands (still living there, too)
Occupation Software engineer at Exact Maatwerk B.V. in Delft
Hobbies Computers (programming and games), ballroom dancing, cycling, drawing.
E-mail At home: r.helderman@hccnet.nl
At work: ruud.helderman@exact.nl

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