Directory of Puzzle Collectors & Puzzle Sellers

Please read here about the Directory of Puzzle Collectors & Puzzle Sellers

In 2006 the next Directory will be published. Please return here for the latest news.


If you are already in the Directory, you will be contacted to update your information. You will be contacted by e-mail, so make sure that I have your correct e-mail address (check the e-mail address in the 2003 Directory). To make sure, send my your correct e-mail address in any case.

If you are not in the Directory but would like to be included (free) please download the form below, fill them in and submit them ASAP.

If you are a member of NKC you will be contacted through the NKC address-list. Again e-mail will be used, so make sure that e-mail address in the yearly members list is correct (or ask me to contact you by surface mail). You will be contact to let you know about this web-page and the availability of the forms.

Application forms

If you are already in the Directory, please wait to be contacted (but make sure I have your e-mail address).

Application form for Puzzle Collectors:


Please provide your favourite Puzzle Stores, Puzzle Sellers, and Puzzle Websites using this form.

Application form for Puzzle Sellers: : [not yet available]

Application form for Puzzle Retail Stores: [not yet available]

Get a copy of the 2006 Directory

You can get a copy of the 2006 Directory provided you are listed in the Directory.

The cost (including mailing) are 17 Euro for Europe and 21 Euro for the rest of the World.

The above prices are valid if your order and payment is received prior to 30 September 2006. After this time it might still be possible to get a copy, but the price will be higher in any case. Payments will go via the Treasurer of NKC (details are on the second page of each CFF). Please contact me about payment details if you are not a member of NKC.


Please contact me about the Directory at: Rik van Grol.