CFF 56 |
CFF 56 has been distributed mid November, 2001 — CFF 56 has the following content: |
Editorial |
Rik van Grol |
The Trinity Puzzle |
Edo Timmermans |
Rolling Cube Puzzles |
Dieter Gebhardt |
IPP 21 |
Rik van Grol |
10th World Puzzle Championship |
Nick Baxter |
Hinging from Pentomino to Square |
Pieter Torbijn |
Chinese Puzzle Hunt |
Frans de Vreugd |
A Revival of the Bandaged Cubes |
Dieter Gebhardt |
Impossiburr Revealed |
Frans de Vreugd |
IPP 21 Puzzle Design Competition |
Rik van Grol |
Extreme Boxed Burrs |
Frans de Vreugd |
Tetrods |
Franz-Josef Schulte |
In Memory of Anton Hanegraaf |
Holey Polygons - Contest 21 results |
Pieter Torbijn |
Puzzles in Public |
Joop van der Vaart |