

Ben and Niels Sumili Djum Arps Djum with Deirdre and Sri
Enis Francis Francis Mas Hardi
Mas Hardi Inge Tanaka Jos Janssen Jos again
Jos Marijke Niels Niels
Patrick Renadi Michiko Mas Eko
Mas Demsi Mas Suratno Mbak Ida Mbak Tutik

Ben and Djum Arps, Niels, Jos, Sumili, Francis, Patrick and Marijke are members of the gamelan group "Caraka Kembang". Mas Hardi, a long time pupil of the late Pak Ngaliman, is the karawitan and dance teacher. Sumili is his wife. Inge, Michiko and also Patrick are dancers. Renadi is a musician and composer who lives in Amsterdam.
Enis Gomperts is the Solonese wife of Amrit (not shown). She has been taking gamelan and dance lessons for about one year.
Eko is a keponakan of mbak Djum; he is an actor who lives in Yogya. He did an incredible amount of work for the dictionary project. Mas Demsi Danial is also an actor, but presently he is working with 'anak jalanan', street children, in Surabaya.
Mas Ratno teaches gamelan at the pedhalangan department of STSI Solo. He is the eldest son of the once famous dhalang Ki Naryocarito (Kartasura). His son Dunung Raharjo is also a dhalang.
Tutik and Ida are sisters. Tutik is a doctor and is working presently in a hospital in Solo. Ida is an environmental biologist. She lives in Kartasura.


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